作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 08:34:18
1,We were walking down the street.We metsome friends.
改为:We werewalking down the street when we met some friend.
2,A car knocked the boy over.He wasbeginning to cross the road..(as)
3,There was a power cut .We were watchingTV.(while)
4,I spilt some milk on my clean clothes.Iwas getting ready to go to school.(just as)
5,She was writing an e-mail..The telephonerang .(while)
6,She was writing an e-mail .The telephonerang.(while)
7,He has looking for his wallet .He foundher ring.(when)
8,He was looking for his wallet .He foundher ring.(while)
9,She was doing some cooking .The postmanarrived.(when)
10,Jim was drawing a horse .The teachercame in .(when)
11,We were cooking in the chicken .Thelights went out.(as)
12,I found your ring .I was sweeping thefloor.(while)
13,He hurt his leg.He was climbing themountain.(while)
14,My plane arrived .Our friends werewaiting at the airport .(when)
15,I was watering flowers.My father waswashing his car.(as)
1、We were walking down the street (when) we met some friend.
2、A car knocked the boy over (as) he was beginning to cross the road.
3、There was a power cut (while) we were watchingTV.
4、I spilt some milk on my clean clothes (just as) I was getting ready to go to school.
5、(While) she was writing an e-mail,the telephonerang.
6、(While) she was writing an e-mail,the telephone rang.
7、(When) he was looking for his wallet,he found her ring.
8、(While) he was looking for his wallet,he found her ring.
9、(When) she was doing some cooking,the postman arrived.
10、(When) Jim was drawing a horse,the teacher came in.
11、(As) we were cooking in the chicken,the lights went out.
12、I found your ring (while) I was sweeping the floor.
13、He hurt his leg (while) he was climbing the mountain.
14、My plane arrived (when) our friends were waiting at the airport .
15、(As) I was watering flowers,my father was washing his car.