作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/09 16:28:38
I played tennis with my friend Jack on Monday. 星期一我和朋友杰克打了网球.
I listened to Jay Chow's songs on Tuesday.星期二我听了周杰伦的歌.
I watched a soccar game at grandpa's house on Wednesday.星期三我在爷爷家看了一场足球赛.
My parents took me to the zoo and we had a great time on Thursday.星期四我爸妈带我去了动物园,我们玩得很开心.
I hung out with my cousin Lisa on Friday.星期五我和我堂姐Lisa出去逛街休闲.
Nothing specially was done on Saturday since I just stayed at home.星期六没有什么特别的,我一整天都呆在家里.
I did my homework on Monday.星期一我做了作业.
I played with my little dog Joe in the park.星期二我和我的小狗Joe到公园去玩了.
My grandparents visited our house on Wednesday.星期三我爷爷奶奶来我家了.
I went to swim with my friends Tom and Jack.星期四我和我的朋友Tom和Jack一起去游泳了.
I read a book written by Guo Jingming on Friday.星期五我看了一本郭敬明写的书.
I attened a wedding ceremony with my parents on Saturday.星期六我和爸妈参加了一场婚礼.
I made a new friend on Monday.星期一我交了个新朋友.
I learned some English words on Tuesday.星期二我学了一些英语单词.
I visited the museum on Wednesday.星期三我参观了博物馆.
I planted some flowers in the veranda on Thursday.星期四我在阳台上种了一些花.
I took my dog Joe to the hospital of pets on Friday since he was sick. 星期五我带小狗Joe去宠物医院,因为它病了.
I bought some food in the supermarket for Joe on Saturday, hoping he would be fine soon. 星期六我在超市给Joe买了一些食物,希望它可以早点好起来.
I found the book I lost long time ago on Monday.星期一我找到了一本丢失了很长时间的书.
I learned how to cook some dishes on Tuesday and I was proud for myself.星期二我学了做一些菜,我为自己感到自豪.
I visited my friend Tom and played computer games at his home on Wednesday.星期三我去朋友Tom家,并在他家玩了电脑游戏.
I drew a picture of my family on Thursday.星期四我画了一幅家人的画.
My cousin Lisa visited my home and brought me some cookies on Friday.星期五我堂姐Lisa来我家,还给我带了一些点心.
My parents took me to Shanghai to visit EXPO park on Saturday. 星期六爸妈带我去上海参观世博园.
We came back from Shanghai and had a rest at home for the whole day of Monday. 星期一我们从上海回来并在家里休息了一整天.
I went to the district library to borrow some books on Tuesday.星期二我去社区图书馆借了几本书.
My mom bought me a new computer game on Wedneday.I was very happy.星期三我妈妈给我买了一个新的电脑游戏,我很开心.
I ate 5 ice-creams on Thursday but I still felt hot.星期四我吃了五个冰淇淋,但我还是觉得热.
I went to swim again with Jack on Friday. But there were so many people in the pool.星期五我又和Jack去游泳了,但是游泳池里有好多人.
I watched the cartoon Little Nezha on Friday.星期六我看了动画片小哪吒.
I surfed on Internet for 2 hours on Monday.星期一我上了两小时的网.
I shopped for Jack's birthday on Tuesday, hoping to give him a surprise.星期二我为Jack买了生日礼物,希望给他一个惊喜.
It was Jack's birthday on Wednesday. I went to his home to celebrate it with him and other friends.星期三是Jack的生日,我和其他朋友一起去他家为他庆祝.
I wrote to my penpal Andy on Thursday. 星期四我给我的笔友Andy写了封信.
It was rainning on Friday. I ran in the rain and it was so cool!星期五下雨了,我在雨里跑,真凉快!
My parents took me to a restaurant for dinner on Saturday and I had Kung-Pao chicken.星期六爸妈带我下馆子吃饭,我吃了宫保鸡丁.

I met Lisa's friend Harry on Monday. He was a very friendly boy.星期一我认识了Lisa的朋友Harry,他是一个非常友好的男孩.
I fixed the alarm clock at home on Tuesday by myself.My parents were surprised.星期二我独立修好了家里的闹钟,爸爸妈妈很惊讶.
I did a lot of summer homework on Wednesday.星期三我做了很多暑假作业.
I started to take a course of piano on Thursday since my parents wanted me to. 星期四我开始参加一个钢琴课程,因为我爸妈想让我学.
I played piano for the whole day of Friday and found it was fun.星期五我弹了一整天钢琴,并且觉得很有趣.
I tried to clean my room on Saturday but I didn't get much done finally.星期六我试图打扫房间,不过最终我也没打扫完.
My dad bought me some golden fish on Monday and asked me to take good care of them.星期一爸爸给我买了几条小金鱼并叮嘱我好好照顾它们.
I fed the fish and changed the water for them on Tuesday.星期二我给金鱼喂了食和换了水.
I rode a bike to Tom's home on Wednesday and spent some time with him watching TV.星期三我骑车去了Tom家并在他家看了一会儿电视.
My parents and I went to grandparents' home to have dinner on Thursday. They made my favorite chicken.星期四爸爸妈妈带我去爷爷奶奶家吃饭,他们做了我最爱吃的鸡.
I noticed one of the fish looked sick on Friday and I was worried. My dad told me that I might have fed him too much.星期五我注意到一条金鱼看起来生病了,我很担心,爸爸告诉我可能是给他喂的食物太多了.
The sick fish died on Sarturday and I was sad. I would try to take better care of the others.星期六那条金鱼死了,我很难过.我会努力照顾好其他的金鱼.