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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 06:40:16
3.所幸,她对严峻的形势毫不知情.(be unconscious of)
5.幸好你带伞了,否则我们就会被雨淋透了.(thank goodness)
6.火车上挤满了回家过寒假的学生.(be pack in)
7.他聚精会神看书的时候,尽量不要和他说话.(be absorbed in)
8.据说仅仅在中国,他就拥有20家公司.(be said to,alone)
9.他保持沉默,因为他觉得没必要回答这个愚蠢的问题.(find it unnecessary to)
10.我尽力劝父亲戒烟,到没有效果.(in vain)
Lucy was planning to leave the office when suddenly she remembered that she still had an appointment.
That dog rescued the drowning child.
3.所幸,她对严峻的形势毫不知情.(be unconscious of)
Fortunately, she is unconscious of the grim situation.
Whatever point of view others might held, I believe you're right.
5.幸好你带伞了,否则我们就会被雨淋透了.(thank goodness)
Thank goodness you brought an umbrella, otherwise we'll be soaked through in the rain.
6.火车上挤满了回家过寒假的学生.(be pack in)
Students going back home for winter break have been packed in the train.
7.他聚精会神看书的时候,尽量不要和他说话.(be absorbed in)
Try not to speak to him when he is absorbed in reading.
8.据说仅仅在中国,他就拥有20家公司.(be said to,alone)
It is said that in China alone,he has 20 companies.
9.他保持沉默,因为他觉得没必要回答这个愚蠢的问题.(find it unnecessary to)
He remained silent because he found it unnecessary to answer this stupid question.
10.我尽力劝父亲戒烟,到没有效果.(in vain)
I tried to persuade my father to quit smoking, but so far my efforts are in vain.

英语翻译1.露西正打算离开办公室,这时突然想起还约见了一个人.(when)2.那只狗救了那个溺水的小孩(rescue)3 英语翻译他的突然去世对他的家人是个打击(shock)这位展示把溺水的男孩救了起来(rescue...from)据报道,大 英语翻译英语翻译1.我突然想起我把钥匙忘在办公室里了.I suddenly ( )( )my keys in the o 英语翻译一:我正要离开办公室,这时一个小男孩进来了.我二:我正在熟睡,突然有人敲门.三:我刚完成我的任务,这时经理又给我 英语翻译他突然离开了教室( de pronto)把那瓶牛奶放到高处(subir)把那个在唱歌的男孩赶走( echar)她 地球上最后一个人独自坐在房间里,这时突然想起了敲门声 续写成一篇800字作文 英语翻译1.我刚要离开办公室这是电话铃响了.2.这家人要搬往何处? 英语翻译:他匆忙赶到办公室,结果发现经理已经离开了(only to find) 英语翻译地球上最后一个人在房间里,这时突然响起了敲门声. 英语翻译这是我一直梦想的机会.(dream of)他们打算在新年那一天结婚.(marry)他们已经报复了那个贼.(rev 英语翻译!1.我们要离开,就在那时他进来(be about to...when ...)2.他做了错误的决定,结果浪费了 英语翻译1,我从来不会忘记我和他相见的地方2.我还记得见他的那个瞬间3.他不得不离开的那一天终于来到了4.这就是 曾经工