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英语翻译Phyllis Pearsall was born in Britain in 1907.She stayed

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 00:41:49
Phyllis Pearsall was born in Britain in 1907.She stayed there until she left school,then traveled around France.She earned money by painting people’s pictures and writing for a newspaper in Pairs.She married an artist and went with him to paint in Spain,
In the 1930s she left Spain and returned to London.She worked for her father’s company,making maps of the world.She thought there was a need for new street map of London and started working on a book of maps.
She collected a lot of information.She walked a long every street in the capital and wrote down the name,the important buildings and even the house numbers.She kept the information about the streets on cards in small boxes.One day a box with cards on all the streets beginning with ‘Tr’ fell out of her window.She found most of cards,but some landed on top of a bus and she never saw those cards again.When she sent everything to the printer,some one asked her,‘Why isn’t Trafalgar Square in your book?’ It was because she had lost the card!
She called her book A to Z.The first A to Z was in the shops in 1936 and sold very well.Now it is the popular book of London streets maps.As well as the street names,it shows important building,government offices,museums,theatres and school; parks and public gardens; sports facilities; train and underground stations.
Later Phyllis Pearsall returned to the streets of London to paint in pictures of many of the city’s famous buildings.
英语翻译Phyllis Pearsall was born in Britain in 1907.She stayed
Phyllis Pearsall 于1907年出生在英国,她在英国结束学业后环游了发过.她帮路人画像和为一家巴黎的报纸写文章赚钱.她与一位艺术家结婚并追随他去了西班牙.
她收集了很多信息,走遍了伦敦的每一条街道,记录下了街道的名字,重要的建筑物,甚至是房屋的门牌号.她将街道的信息记录在卡片上,保存在小盒子里面.有一天,以“Tr”开头的卡片盒子从窗户掉了出去.她找到了大部分的卡片,但是还是有一些卡片散落在了公交车的顶部,她再也没有找到哪些卡片.当她将所有东西送去印刷的时候,有人问她,“为什么Trafalgar Square 不在你的树立”因为她找不到那张卡片了.
她将她的书命名为A to Z.第一版A to Z在1936年面世而且卖得非常好.现在它是伦敦街道地图的畅销书.就如同街道的名字一样,它也展示了重要的建筑物,政府办公场所,博物馆,剧院和学习哦啊;公园和公共休闲场所;体育设施;地铁站.
Phyllis Pearsall 晚些时候回到了伦敦的街道去绘制城市中许多著名建筑物的图片.