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英语翻译birthday parties in america and england tend to not only

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 22:33:14
birthday parties in america and england tend to not only inelude eating but also some sort of an activity or two.often,for children between the ago of 10-14,they will have a "sleep-over" party.usually this kind of party is held on either friday or saturday night when the children do not have class the next morning.for this type of party,the birthday person invites apout 5-6 close fireds over for dinner,the children will eat cake and ice cream and the birthday personwill open his/her gifts.during the evening,the children may go bolwing or or ice-skating or goto a professional basketball or football game,or do something else.the children will often eat pizza at midnight and then talk and play games such as card games or computer games until the morning .in the morning ,the mother will make a big breakfast of some special foods such as pancakes,fried bread or waffles with sausage,baconor eggs.then the children are picked up by their parents around 9:00 in the morning
英语翻译birthday parties in america and england tend to not only
在美国和英国,生日派对往往不仅包括吃,还包括一两个活动.通常,对于10-14之间的儿童来说,他们会有一个“睡眠”派对 .这样的派对通常在周五或周六晚上举行,因为第二天早上孩子们不用上课.这种类型的生日派对大概邀请5到6个关系密切的朋友来晚餐,孩子们会吃到蛋糕和冰淇淋,并打开别人送给他/她的和生日礼物.在晚上,孩子们可能去吹风,或滑冰,或看一场职业篮球或足球比赛,或做其他事.孩子往往会在午夜吃比萨饼和再谈谈和玩游戏,如纸牌游戏或电脑游戏,直到早上.在早上,母亲准备了丰盛的早餐,包涵一些特别的食物,如煎饼,炸面包或松饼与香肠,鸡蛋饼.然后上午9:00左右,孩子们的父母都会来接走他们.