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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/24 07:24:22
Tips for Shy girl
Dating can be an absolute nightmare for
shy people. You want to meet the right person, but you e too scared to do anything about it.
Introductionsticking out one hand and looking another person in the eyean be terrifying. The brain locks up as you scramble to think of something relevant to say. You fall apart as soon as you抮e asked what you do for a living. You stammer. The heat rises in your face and under your arms. You e suddenly incapable of forming a grammatical sentence. You think to yourself, hy would anyone care about me? I really not that interesting!?/p>
Fear not. Many shy people have succeeded in meeting new people and forming lasting, happy relationships. With a little practice, you can too. Here are some tips for taming your social terror.
1. Prepare a pitch. The question, o, Sally, what do you do for a living?is bound to come up, so have a ready answer. No need to brag about capturing the company Tidy Break room Award; just state clearly what you do for a living and don apologize for it!
2. Ask questions. People love to talk about themselves (okay, except for people like you), so ask questions. Come up with a list before you leave the house, i.e., How did you get into that line of work? Where did you go to school? Have you seen the new Brad Pitt movie? And so on.
3. When you fumble, turn the subject to the other person. Whenever you find yourself longing to throw a blanket over your head and crawl off, try saying something like nd what about you
4. Listen to what the other person is saying! This is important. Instead of fretting about what you抣l say next, still the wheels of your mind and listen. If a man tells you about his weekend on the golf course, and you know absolutely nothing about golf, just ask him what he likes about it, how he got into it, etc.
5. Smile. People respond well to people who smile. No need to grin like an idiot, but a disarming smile will get m every time. Smiling conveys friendliness and approachability. Show
teeth whenever possible. Avoid looking like a figure at a wax museum by practicing in a mirror before you leave the house.
6. Breathe. Whenever you feel your heart racing, breathe deeply and slowly. If you really start to feel uncomfortable (your face has become so hot you could use it for a wok), excuse yourself and go to the restroom.
7. Compliment the other person. Sincerity is key, so find something you like and mention it. You may be freaked out by the idea of complimenting a man on his soulful eyes, so mention his watch, suit, tie, or even his shoes. No need to go overboard: ice shoes,?will do it.
8. Stay on top of current events. You don necessarily want to bring up your stand on Bush v. Kerry during a first meeting, but be able to discuss less controversial issues intelligently.
9. Remember the weather! Some people have the ift of gab,?the ability to make strangers feel like they抳e known them forever. They are fearless about talking about the weather, gas prices, whatever. Shy people worry that talking about mundane things will make them appear stupid. But seemingly dull subjects like the weather affect everybody. People relate to them.
10. Hold your head up. It the simplest, most effective way to look confident. Good posture, coupled with that fabulous smile of yours, gives you a inner vibe.?You e guaranteed to be a hit!
Be warned: These tips will not help you if you don leave the house. It just too easy to watch a Friends rerun for the umpteenth time instead of meeting people, but I promise you that Prince Charming is never going to climb through your bedroom window.
Talking to strangers can be uncomfortable, but with practice it will surely get easier. If you have a bad night, congratulate yourself for making the effort. When you have a good night, understand that you earned it. Know that countless wonderful nights are on their way to you.
Build Trust in Your friend
"One Way To Honor and Build Trust in Your Relationship and Each Other"
The losing side of a relationship -In the 34 years that I have been doing psychic counseling, it is only in the past 10 years that I have been involved with couples counseling. One thing I have noticed with many couples, whether those couples are a man and a woman, two women, or two men, is that there is often a lack of real and meaningful communication. This lack of communication causes small conflicts to become heated arguments where issues are not resolved because both partners are trying to make their points and are not even listening to what the other person has to say. Nothing can ever be resolved when one person raises his or her voice with what only appears to the other person to be demands. The effect of this is that the other person feels as if they are being scolded like a parent scolds a child and this causes the person to close up in a defensive posturing attitude where they don't listen to what the other person is saying. This intensifies the problem because when the person who is relating the problem area in their life feels that they are being shut out, or ignored, by their partner there is no meaningful dialog which allows a resolution to be achieved. The only resolution to the problem is for one or both partners to bring the subject up again, which might only create the same result. Instead of being resolved this issue now smolders like a hot ember, and this can make for an emotional forest fire!
There are things in every relationship that are sacred. One of these things that we think is most sacred is the trust that can be developed if both people in the relationship honor that thoughts and feelings, whether they are of a positive nature or negative, will be shared first with each other.
Here's an example from our own lives to show you what we mean...
Both of us, in our previous relationships, felt the need to talk to friends and not always our spouses about what was really on our minds. We often chose to tell our inner most secrets and frustrations to our friends and omit this information when we talked with our spouses.
Although this wasn't the primary reason both of these relationships ended in divorce, we think that it was one way that trust was eroded and not built in those relationships.
The way I try to resolve issues like this is to teach couples how to discuss issues instead of just yelling and having the entire situation turning into World War III. There are several steps couples can take to have a good, open, and loving discussion, and to reduce the friction in their relationship by learning to resolve the very important issues that cause them to misunderstand each others feelings.
When we got together in our relationship, we figured out that if we hoped to have a relationship built on trust and deep connection that this type of intimate sharing with others was a pattern of behavior that had to stop.
If there was conflict, disagreement or challenges that came up, we agreed that we would talk to each other instead of venting our frustrations with a friend or co-worker. This was our sacred agreement with each other.
We just love Bruce Springsteen's song, "If I should fall behind" because it says exactly how we have chosen to be in a relationship with each other. In the song he says, "Let's make our steps clear so the other can see."
One of the most effective steps I teach couples is
to express their anger, fears, aggravations, and concerns to their partner. This allows them the freedom of opening up without the fear of confrontation. It is a very simple method, but has certain rules which must be followed.
One of the ways I teach couples to do this is to encourage them to write a journal to document the issues in their relationship which they feel are causing problems. Detail is very important here. They must also devote an hour of uninterrupted time each week for open discussion. This discussion has to occur on the same day, and at the same time, and becomes a weekly ritual for the couple. During this hour, each of the partners has 30 minutes to read from their journal. While each partner reads their journal, the other partner cannot interrupt, or make any comments. After this hour, I encourage each partner to spend some time alone, and to reflect upon what they have just heard. They must also remember not to have any discussion about what has just been said. However, they can add some of this new information into their journals for the following week抯 discussion. This method is not a quick fix for a troubled relationship, but most couples are amazed that after several months they are now working together to resolve the problems in their relationship.
To us, this means telling
the other person what we are thinking as soon as we have sorted it out ourselves. We don't feel like we have to hide or sugar-coat our truth about a situation or unload on a friend how we are truly feeling without first telling each other.
This doesn't mean we never talk to friends and other family members about our thoughts or what's happening in our lives. Quite the contrary.
What we are saying is that we have agreed to tell each other first, things that are personal and feelings that come up about the other person.
If you find that you have been complaining to other people about your partner or someone close to you and you are not telling your partner how you are feeling, stop.
By talking to others first about your issues instead of the person involved, you will continue to erode the safety and trust in your relationship. By talking to others about your issues instead of the person your conflict is with, you could be playing the role of the victim or martyr.
Believe it or not, you may actually be enjoying the sympathy and attention from other people that you are getting from complaining about the situation with your partner.
One of the most complex interactions we face in life is the relationship with our partners. There is often some initial spark which brings two people together, but for a relationship to thrive it requires communication, cooperation, and compromise. This is only one of the many techniques which can be used to help couple resolve issues, but by teaching couples how to effectively communicate, it helps to strengthen the foundations of their relationship.
If you want to build trust and create a close, connected relationship, we've found that this kind of behavior has to stop.
Choosing to let your partner know where you stand and what is going on inside you is not only a way to build trust but also a way to deepen your connection as well...
求一些英语短文本人下半年将要读高1,想求一些适合我读的英语短文,提高我的阅读能力字数在3000字以内,好的短文每篇加5分 求好的英语短文我想读一些好的英语短文提示下阅读能力和积累些词汇,可是百度了很久也没找到材料去读,希望谁帮我找找.我初三, 求一些英语片段作文?假期想多背诵一些英语短文,请大家帮我多推荐一些,要求是四六级水平以上的短文,考研作文也好啦,字数在1 我求一些英语阅读的笑话~尽量就是小短文~ 跪求英语短文我要参加口语大赛,是英语的,谁有适合初一的短文?要是故事性的,我能力不高,朗读时间在3至5分钟, 帮我写一篇关于 “怎么提高英语拼写能力”的 英语短文 谢谢 急求 求开头是总起句短文求 一些开头的那一句是总起句的短文,字数在100~200 课外英语书推荐我现在在上高三,希望大家可以推荐一些有助于提高我英语的课外书,尤其要提高阅读能力,要适合高三. 如何提高英语听说能力经常听英文对话 或者英文短文 我要具体方法还有 看一些无中文字幕的英文片会不会好?听不懂怎么办? 求六年级英语小短文写三篇短文要求:1、每篇一个时态(现在进行时,一般将来时,一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数为主语)好的我 本人初三学生,想提高英语的词汇量,但是英语原著,太难了,不适合我阅读,所以希望大家,能提供一些英语简单的短文,初三的水平 急求一篇适合初一学生阅读的英语短文