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造一点句子14make noise show sth to sb show sb sth 15Look for find

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 15:45:02
make noise
show sth to sb
show sb sth
Look for
a litter
take care of
so many
so much
There be sb doing sth
see sb doing sth
put a banduge on
have fun doing sth
help sb to sth
help sb with sth
help sb do sth
on the left
on the right
at the top
at the bottom
send sb sth
send sth to sb
stop to do sth
stop doing s^th
……more than……
buy sth for sb
seel sth to sb
be late for
造一点句子14make noise show sth to sb show sb sth 15Look for find
make noise
1. Nobody is allowed to make noise here. 不许在此喧哗.
2. The teacher had just left the room when the boy started to make noise. 老师刚离开教室学生便开始吵闹起来.
show sth to sb
1. He shows hostility to me. 他对我表示敌意.
2. They do this continually to show approval to me. 他们不断鼓掌对我赞许.
show sb sth
1. Can you show me your photographs? 把你的照片给我看看好吗?
2. His remarks showed me that he misunderstood my position on the question. 他的话说明他误解了我在这一问题上的立场.
Look for
1. You can look for the book in the library catalogue.你可以在图书馆的图书目录上查找这本书.
2. He has come all the way from Leeds to look for a job.他从利兹远道而来寻找工作.
1. How do you find your new job? 你认为你的新工作怎么样?
2. Look what I've found. 瞧我找到什么了.
3. I have no fault to find with your work. 我对你的工作无可挑剔.
a litter 写错了?不知道什么意思
take care of
1. You are not (physically) strong, so you may as well take care of your health. 你的体格不壮,因此最好注意健康.
2. Take care of getting pneumonia. 小心得肺炎.
3. I'll take care of it. 我来办这件事.
so many
1. There are so many fancy cars on display here that I don't know which to buy. 有这么多的豪华汽车在此展出,我不知要买哪一辆才好.
2. He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical. 同样的问题人们向他问得太多了,所以他的答案也是千篇一律.
3. They asked so many questions that they confused me. 他们问了许许多多问题,把我弄糊涂了.
so much
1. He is not so much a genius as a hard worker. 他的努力胜于天分.
2. I have so much work to do that I can't go out with you. 我有这么多工作要做,因此不能和你出去.
3. He did not so much as thank me. 他甚至都没谢我.
There be sb doing sth
1. There is a man showing about AIDS on right now. 有个人正在展示一个关于爱滋病的信息.
2. There are many people looking at the game. 许多人正在观看游戏.
see sb doing sth
1. I saw he stealing money from that woman. 我看到了他从那个女人那里偷了钱.
2. You can't see me eating the cake. 你没看到我吃蛋糕.
put a bandage on
1. Your arm is bleeding,put a bandage on it.你的手臂在流血,用绷带包扎一下.
2. he put a bandage over the cut. 他对伤口进行了包扎.
3. The waitress put a bandage round his hand. 女服务员用绷带将他的手包扎起来.
have fun doing sth
1. We must have more fun playing football. 我们踢足球会得到更多乐趣.
2. You may have fun reading English loudly. 如果你大声读英语可能会找到乐趣.
help sb to sth
1. Let me help you to move the bag. 让我帮你搬箱子吧.
2. You can help me to wash clothes. 你可以帮我洗衣服.
help sb with sth
1. I will help you with your homework. 我会帮你完成作业的.
2. Thank you for helping me with my bag. 谢谢你帮我拿箱子.
help sb do sth
1. Let me help you (to) move the bag. 让我帮你搬箱子吧.
2. You can help me (to) wash clothes. 你可以帮我洗衣服.
on the left
1. In Britain cars are driven on the left. 在英国汽车靠左侧行驶.
2. Driving on the left is strange at first but you get used to it. 沿著路的左侧驾驶刚开始时有些别扭,可是习惯了就好了.
3. It is the practice in Britain to drive on the left. 车辆靠左行驶是英国的制度.
on the right
1. We haven't found the solution yet, but I'm sure we're on the right track. 我们还没有找到解决办法,但我肯定我们的思路是对的.
2. Are we on the right road? 我们走的路对吗?
3. The road to the village branches off on the right. 通往该村的道路向右转为一条小路.
at the top
1. He is at the top of company. 他在公司里是最高层.
2. The goal is at the top. 这个目标第一位.
at the bottom
1. He is at the bottom of company. 他在公司里是最低层.
2. The goal is at the bottom. 这个目标最不重要.
send sb sth
1. The music of this song sent her carefree and joyous. 这支歌的乐曲使她心旷神怡.
2. Send us a dollar. 向我们捐款.
send sth to sb
1. Men who refused to strike were sent to coventry by their colleagues. 凡是不参加罢工的人,同事都不理睬他们.
2. Send the mail to me. 把邮件寄给我.
stop to do sth
1. I cannot stop to do it. 我不能停止下来去做事.
2. I haven't had time to actually stop to do it. 我没有时间停下来实施.
stop doing s^th
1. Let's stop doing it for the present. 我们暂时停一下工作.
2. Stop doing that, in the name of God! 看在上帝的分上,别干了!
……more than……
1. She wishes to be treated as nothing more than a common girl. 她希望被对待得只不过像一般的女孩子.
2. We've despair of him; he can't keep a job for more than six months. 我们对他已经绝望了,他做什麽工作都不能超过半年.
3. For safety's sake, don't drive more than 30 kilometers per hour in the city. 为了安全起见,在市内开车时速不要超过三十公里.
buy sth for sb
1. Buy some fruit for me. 给我买些水果.
2. He bought some flowers for her. 他给她买了一些花.
seel sth to sb 这个也不会
be late for
1. Helen is slow of foot. Hit her up, or we shall be late for the train. 海伦走得很慢,催她快一点,不然我们就赶不上火车了.
2. No, I must not be late for class. 不,我决不能上课迟到.
3. Never be late for school, Bill. 比尔,上学绝不可迟到.