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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 15:42:11
中国是一个多地震的国家,从1966 年的邢台地震到1976 年的唐山大地震,中国几乎每年有一个7 级左右的大地震.我国位于全球两大地震构造系的交汇区域:其一:环太平洋地震构造系,(占50%全球总地震)其二:北纬20°~50°之间大陆(占90%全球总地震).所以做好建筑的抗震工作是非常有必要的.
Civil engineering introduction papers
- antidetonation
As the earth constant motion and change, gradually accumulated tremendous energy in the earth's crust, some vulnerability zones, causing strata suddenly burst, or trigger original fault rupture, it produces an earthquake. The earthquake happened in the majority in the crust.
China is an earthquake country, from the 1966 xingtai earthquakes to the 1976 tangshan earthquake, China almost every year there is a 7 kyu large earthquake. Our country is located on the two large earthquakes tectonic intersection area is: firstly, the Pacific seismic tectonic department, (50% global total earthquake) second: latitude 20 ° ~ 50 ° between mainland China (90 percent of the world's earthquake). So do architectural seismic work is very necessary.
An earthquake comes, mainly caused by the ground damage, the ground fissures and rupture, subsidence, spraying sand, buildings and structures at the destructive: houses collapsed, Bridges, DAMS and break fall mountain natural objects such as cracking of destruction. Such as landslide, landslide, while causing casualties or dense buildings in urban area, houses, the affected people have undeniable more time for escape.
Our country builds a rule is "small earthquakes are not bad, shock of repairable, practically diametre."
When a below the region seismic fortification intensity of more severe earthquake influence, the general are not damaged or does not need to repair can continue to use.
When a equivalent to the region seismic fortification intensity of earthquake effects, may be damaged by general repair or does not need to repair still can continue to use.
When a higher than the region seismic fortification intensity of estimate of the rarely met earthquake affected, and not collapsed or happen life-threatening serious damage.
Earthquake effect, reinforced concrete structural seismic response has the following features:
1, earthquake, the greater the role of houses seismic requirements for higher; Seismic action and intensity, venues and other relevant, from the view of economic, of different intensity, site of the aseismic requirements can have obvious difference.
2, the aseismic capacity mainly depends on the main antioxidant lateral force component performance, Lord, times resist lateral force component seismic requirements for due difference.
3, houses, the higher the seismic response, the greater the displacement ductility requirement is higher.
In order to reflect on the same intensity cases of different structure, different height and different sites have different seismic requirements, the seismic grade was proposed. Seismic grade is to determine the structure component earthquake-resistant calculation and aseismatic measures of the standard. According to the fortification intensity, housing height, building types, structure types sure, is divided into four grades, the highest level.
In order to achieve the best seismic effects. Building structure and layout of best rules point, should be simple, symmetrical. Vertical direction should as far as possible even change, make the structure stiffness along the vertical evenly.
In order to fully play the whole structure seismic capability, more reasonable earthquake damage mechanism should be node without destroying, basic than column of the yield of beam can occurs earlier, much to occur, The same layer, each column ends yield course as long as possible, Bottom column bottom of plastic hinge appropriate most night happen. The plastic hinge beam-column appear as much as possible scattered. Each of the aseismic walls wall sections (including small open hole wall and united limb wall limb) height-width ratio of not less than 2, caused it to become curved shear destruction. Even in LiangYi adopted.post plastic yield, and has adequate deformation capacity, in wall section fully exert seismic action before failure.
High-rise building appropriate chooses reasonable construction structure scheme, when building plane is too long, structure unit structure system of different, height and stiffness are too large and the structure unit foundation conditions have bigger difference, should consider a shockproof seam.
Setting wall is building a seismic aseismatic measures. The basic principles of the aseismic walls decorated with frame-shear wall structure: the aseismic walls along the axis direction should decorate, transfixion all two-way houses is high, and vertical and horizontal seismic wall should be connected and reciprocally wing wall, so as to improve its stiffness and carrying capacity. The general aseismic walls decorated principle is "evenness, decentralization, symmetry, perimeter". Aseismic walls decorated location choice: normally, appropriate decorates in the vertical load, a large planar shape place and stairwells, elevator, etc. Building a long, longitudinal aseismic walls not easily installed in the bay. In order to guarantee the aseismic walls have enough of ductility, not occur fragile shear destruction, eery aseismic walls (including monolithic wall, small openings walls and united limb wall) should not be too long.
The following is a world famous buildings aseismic design: kobe, Japan after the earthquake victims temporary residence.
英语翻译土木工程概论论文---建筑抗震由于地球不断运动和变化,逐渐积累了巨大的能量,在地壳某些脆弱地带,造成岩层突然发生 火山和地震主要发生在A、地壳活动比较频繁的地带 B、地壳裂口处或地壳脆弱的地方C、岩层受挤压或拉伸的地方 D、地壳较薄处 世界上的火山、地震,大多发生在 A板块内部 B地壳比较稳定的地带 C地壳比较活跃的地带 D岩层褶皱、断裂地 地球在不停地自传和公转,同时地壳内部也在不停地变化,由此而产生力的作用,使地壳岩层( )、()、() 从地壳的运动来看,地震一般发生在什么地带? 地球内部运动使地表面形态发生不断变化,()和()是地球内部运动引起的 2010年4月14日,我国玉树地区发生大地震,造成巨大的财产损失和人员伤亡,全国各族人民团结一致,抗震救灾,体现了“一方 短文汉译英地震一般发生在地壳之中.地壳内部在不停地变化,由此而产生力的作用,使地壳岩层变形、断裂、错动,于是便发生地震. 组成地壳的物质处于不断的运动变化之中.地球内部的岩浆,在岩浆活动过程中伴随——,形成——; 四季的形成是由于地球在围绕太阳公转时,和太阳距离发生变化造成的 是对的,还是错的, 在地球什么和什么力量的共同作用下,引起地壳的运动和地形的变化 判断:火山和地震都是由地球的内部运动引起的,绝大部分地震发生在地壳内.