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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 04:28:41
越快越好,本人很喜欢emma roberts的,觉得她声音太好听了.
别着急~不知emma roberts是何人的我硬听了一早上耳朵快冒烟了,回头更新答案吧.看来逐字听不是什么理想选择T_T更希望抛砖引玉.
Hi,I’m AP broadcasting entertainment editor Michael Weinfeld.Millions of young girls around the world have read the Nancy Drew Books.So now,we’ll get to see Emma Roberts,player on screen.I asked him about the pressure of playing such a well-known literary character,how she flunked to driver’s test,and whether she spoiled her aunt Julia Roberts’ twins.
You’ve got millions of girls have read these books,Nancy Drew Books.Every single one who has read it,probably thinks they know what she looks like,and what she talks like,and she acts like,and so how is the exact way you portray her?
Well,I’m… You know,I kind of portrayed her as I thought she would be and from reading the script and hearing a lot about her and I use lots of that and… Ya I know a lot of people have preconceived notions of what they think she would be like and… I mean I earned a lot when I read books.You know,you have the vision head and then went me into movier like.That’s exactly what I thought or that’s all what I’ve thought.So hopefully,kids will like the way I’ve played her and agree with everything.
When you read the script did you do see how you could have…as “hey,that’s a lot like me!”
I’m… Ya there are some parts I remind and mirror myself,but at the same time there are a lot of parts that were really opposite me.So that’s kind of back and forth.
Who was an opposite?
Well,I mean she gets kind of picked on a little bit and,you know people give a hard time,and she kind of show it often.…me,I will be like “what is your problem?” you know just because I don’t like a people who is trimming like that.So I…
英语翻译我的英文没到水准,几乎听不懂他(她)们说什么,但我听出来了谈了很多有关emma生活的东西,所以很想知道里面都说了 英语翻译我只记得那个美国人说了好多,但是我几乎都没听懂他说了些什么.美国人说英语我听不懂. 一个女的知道我喜欢他,知道我对她很好.但因为没感觉,所以我告白被拒绝,又发生了些事,最后她知道我还喜欢她,就说结束了把我 英语翻译很想知道他说了些啥....拜托听得懂的人帮下忙了啦........ 英语翻译我没时间了,我还有很多作业要做。2.天上一点云也没有.3.他的作业几乎没什么错误,所以老师表扬了他.4.在暑假他 英语翻译她知道我喜欢她,我表过,但她一直有心事(伤)所以当时跟我说无法谈论这方面的事,我就等了.昨天她终于把自己的心事彻 英语翻译好久没联系了,你最近怎么样?我好久没联系到sb了,你知道他最近怎么样了吗?他的妈妈病情好些了吗?我很想你们,祝你 英语翻译“跟你一起的时候我总是目不转睛盯着你看,很变态,但我他娘的没办法,因为他们说很多东西一眨眼就没了.” 这是我追单位一个女孩她给我发的短息,她说其实我有挺多话想说,但可能因为我性格的原因所以很多时候话到嘴边又说不出来了,以前 我不知道该说什么,但我很想知道你的所想,所以 我该做怎样的练习 急我掌握了日常的英语 英语成绩也算好的 但看美剧和听英文歌的时候 我听不懂他在说什么 但是把他说的那句 我把书还给一个我一直很喜欢的女孩的时候,我把书里面的我的东西拿了出来.她说"干吗分那么清楚啊?呵呵."她这么说有什么含义