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英语翻译explore the west是不是更好?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:24:44
explore the west是不是更好?
英语翻译explore the west是不是更好?
国内媒体对“西部大开发”的翻译有许多种,如 China's Western Campaign;China's Western Development Program;the Development of China's Western Region(s);West China Development Drive 等不一而足.在 China's Western Campaign 中,“Campaign”的意思不够清楚,前面应该加上修饰词 development,就像 election campaign 或 advertising campaign 那样.后几种译法虽然意思清楚,但准确度不够,没有把“大”字的力度表现出来,当然第一种译法也同样没有把“大”的力度表现出来.笔者认为“开发” 的意思这里用 development drive比较可取,它同 modernization drive 的说法相似.
国内媒体也有把“西部大开发”翻译成 western expansion 的,如 the Central government pushes on with western expansion 或 China's "Great Western Expansion" campaign.西方记者也采用过这种说法,有一篇文章的题目就是:On China's Western Expansion.国外还有人把“西部大开发”翻译成 go west 的,如 China's "go-west" enterprise.
由于历史的原因,western expansion 等说法总会使人联想到美国十九世纪的西部开发.当时美国为了鼓励更多的人向西部迁移,制定了灵活多样的土地开发优惠政策,极大地推动了西部开发的进程.在美国的西部开发中,政府陆续出台了许多相关法规,用于规范和引导开发行为.土地广袤、人口稀少是美国西部的特征,为吸引人们前来开发,1862年,林肯总统颁布著名的《宅地法》,鼓励向西部移民.该法还规定,只要在该土地上定居和开垦一定年限,土地就可永远归其所有.该法律一出,吸引大批人移民西部,当然美国的西部开发还包括许多其他方面的措施,这里不再赘述.笔者想说明的问题是,美国当时的社会历史变迁在英语语言中得到了充分体现,因此我们能够找到许多相关的表达法,请看下面的一些说法:
American western expansion
American westward expansion
American westward movement
American western expedition
American "go-west" enterprise
Comparisons are made by experts to the 19th -century American westward expansion.
而今天我们所谈的中国“西部大开发”与美国的情况截然不同,我们的“西部大开发”是在中央的领导下和东部的支援下,由西部人民在原来经济发展的基础上,自主加大开发力度,以使我国的西部地区得到得更快、更深、更广的发展.因此,为了表达我国“西部大开发”的感念,我们不可以直接沿用美国人的说法 western expansion,那样极有可能导致概念上的混乱.另一方面,使用 expansion 这个词时必须加倍小心.这是因为一方面该词具有增长、扩大等正面的意思,例如:China,EU seek trade expansion in 2004;Bilateral trade will increase (after the EU expansion);Visiting US Secretary of Commerce Urges Trade Expansion;另一方面该词也有扩张、侵略等反面的意思,例如:The Bush administration's military expansion has connections to its economic expansion.
综上所述笔者认为,“西部大开发”的英译不应使用 expansion 一词.那么“go-west”的用法是否可以呢?该词在不同的场合有不同的意思.在前面提到的American "Go-West" Enterprise 这个短语中,它的意思是向西部转移.在 Go west for Thanksgiving 这则广告中,它的意思又变成了到西部去(到西澳大利亚去过感恩节);而在 Will the Middle East go west?这个句子中,它又有另外一个意思:向西方靠拢.
既然用 western expansion 或者“go-west”来表达“西部大开发”都是不合适的.那么,“西部大开发”应该怎样翻译成英语才是正确的呢?首先请看下面的两段文字:
1.A Development Drive:VIZIANAGARAM,the 23rd district of Andhra Pradesh formed nearly 25 years ago,was for long considered a backward district.But it has now switched to the fast track of development,registering progress on all fronts,thanks to the initiation of several schemes to modernize agriculture,animal husbandry and minor irrigation.
2.Development Drive:The government of Sharjah is aiming for a diverse economy.Sharjah,the third largest emirate in the UAE may not have such a prominent profile as its neighbor,Dubai,but it is just as dynamic and diverse.Its commitment to economic development,free trade and attracting foreign investment is resolute and this can be seen through the development of its free zones during the past decade.
从上面的两段文字中我们可以看出,英语中在表达“大开发”的概念时,drive 一词比较合适,我们可以在此基础上进一步完善“大开发”的英译.笔者认为我国“西部大开发”可以有以下几种翻译:
The western development drive
The grand western development program
The development campaign of the western regions
The full-scale development program for the western regions
The program for a concerted development of the western regions
give a huge push to develop / transform the western regions
switch onto the fast track of development