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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/11/12 06:13:30
Shaanxi Province is located in the Western region of China, but in recent years through national policies supporting development of West China and its own resources, environmental advantages, by increasing economic structural adjustment efforts, prompting the development of producer services in a certain. But compared with developed regions of the country, development of producer services is still a comparatively backward state of Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi, this article will explore impact on production efficiency of manufacturing industry in producer services. Using Panel data of Shaanxi Province in recent years, and in conjunction with other economic variables affecting the efficiency of manufacturing, using measurement model to test effect of producer services on manufacturing efficiency. The results show that the development of producer services promotion did not directly stimulate the manufacturing efficiency, but by regulation to achieve the improvement of manufacturing efficiency, scientific research and technical services, transportation, storage and post and telecommunications industry, both industries are contributing to the level of economic development, as well as the relationship between technology innovation and manufacturing efficiency has a significant effect, since Shaanxi Province is a traditional producer services, On the relationship between human capital and manufacturing efficiency and regulation of financial and insurance industries on manufacturing efficiency effect is not significant. Finally, further enhancing efficiency positive productive service industry in Shaanxi Province production enhance the catalytic role of policy recommendations.
英语翻译陕西省地处我国西部地区,但近年来借助于国家西部大开发的政策支持和自身的资源、环境优势,通过不断加大经济结构调整的 近年来,国家注重西部大开发,请你写出在"西部大开发"中一项发挥西部优势,实现资源调配工程的名字. 经济结构(经济结构的调整) 英语翻译中国和韩国都调整了各自的经济结构.而且中国也在不断的调整自己的对外政策来吸引更多的外资.所以韩国可以把握住好的时 英语翻译摘 要近年来,国有股份制商业银行依托快速发展的宏观经济环境和国家的大力支持下,不断改革创新,实现了长足的发展.但 在西部大开发中,西部地区的主要优势和劣势分别是什么? 英语翻译近年来,我国医药网络营销经过不断地探索和调整,步入了跨越式发展的轨道,也越来越引起各企业的重视,但在发展中也存在 英语翻译内容提要:产业结构调整是西部大开发的难点和重点问题,这是因为西部地区产业结构不合理的矛盾非常突出.以前的探索和实 近年来,随着国民经济的快速发展,我国财政收入持续较快增长,占GDP的比重逐步提高,国家财政实力不断壮大,有效地支持了国家 我国加大对西部地区的扶贫开发力度有什么重要意义 近年来,党和国家不断加大对农业和农村的投入力度,这表明党和政府十分重视“三农”问题,着力加大 你认为新中国成立以来,我国不断调整对农村的政策说明了什么?