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英语翻译The Chinese remind one of the English in their love of c

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/26 02:28:49
The Chinese remind one of the English in their love of compromise and in their habit of bowing to public opinion.Seldom is a conflict pushed to its ultimate brutal issue.The treatment of the Manchu Emperor may be taken as a case in point.When a Western country becomes a Republic,it is customary to cut off the head of the deposed monarch,or at least to cause him to fly the country.But the Chinese have left the Emperor his title,his beautiful palace,his troops of eunuchs,and an income of several million dollars a year.He is a boy of sixteen,living peaceably in the Forbidden City.Once,in the course of a civil war,he was nominally restored to power for a few days; but he was deposed again,without being in any way punished for the use to which he had been put.
China is much less a political entity than a civilization—the only one that has survived from ancient times.Since the days of Confucius,the Egyptian,Babylonian,Persian,Macedonian,and Roman Empires have perished; but China has persisted through a continuous evolution.There have been foreign influences—first Buddhism,and now Western science.But Buddhism did not turn the Chinese into Indians,and Western science will not turn them into Europeans.I have met men in China who knew as much of Western learning as any professor among ourselves; yet they had not been thrown off their balance,or lost touch with their own people.What is bad in the West—its brutality,its restlessness,its readiness to oppress the weak,its preoccupation with purely material aims—they see to be bad,and do not wish to adopt.What is good,especially its science,they do wish to adopt.
So far,I have spoken chiefly of the good sides of the Chinese character; but of course China,like every other nation,has its bad sides also.It is disagreeable to me to speak of these,as I experienced so much courtesy and real kindness from the Chinese,that I should prefer to say only nice things about them.But for the sake of China,as well as for the sake of truth,it would be a mistake to conceal what is less admirable.I will only ask the reader to remember that,on the balance,I think the Chinese one of the best nations I have come across,and am prepared to draw up a graver indictment against every one of the Great Powers.Shortly before I left China,an eminent Chinese writer pressed me to say what I considered the chief defects of the Chinese.With some reluctance,I mentioned three:avarice,cowardice and callousness.Strange to say,my interlocutor,instead of getting angry,admitted the justice of my criticism,and proceeded to discuss possible remedies.This is a sample of the intellectual integrity which is one of China's greatest virtues.
英语翻译The Chinese remind one of the English in their love of c