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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 07:58:33
The farmers plan to produce ___the year before to meet the increasing needs of common people. A.three times of drop as much this year as B.three times as much crop this year as in C.three times as much crop thia year as D.as much three times this year as in 请老师讲解一下有关倍数的说法
解题思路: 见下
这是2个念头比较,the year before应该不加in介词才对。所以C比B好。那么,倍数的表达法是什么呢?
A……+倍数/分数/百分比+as+adj/adv+as+B (A、B代表2个被比较的事物或人)关键是记住必须把相差的倍数或百分比放在as……as的前面。
例:This road is twice as long as that one.
(2005湖北卷)What a table! I’ve never seen such a thing before. It is__it is long.
A half not as wide as B wide not as half as
C not half as wide as D as wide as not half (C)
但是,在实际表达和考题中, 这个句型经常有变形。变形情况如下:
1、 A……+倍数/分数/百分比+as+adj+n+as+B
(02上海春季卷)American eat ___ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.
A more than twice B as twice as many
C twice as many as D more than twice as many (D)
(04广西卷)It is reported that the United States uses ___ energy as the whole of Europe.
A as twice B twice much C twice much Dtwice as much (D)
2、 A……+倍数/分数/百分比+as+adj+a(n)+n+as+B
During the season all the animals are sold at twice as high a price as usual. 在这个季节,所有的动物的售价都是平常的2倍。
(NMET2001)It is generally considered that teaching is _____ it is a science.
A an art much as B much an art as C as an art much as D as much an art as (D)
3、 A……+倍数/分数/百分比+as+adj+n(省略第2个as)
The USA has more than 14 times as many people(as Australia). 美国的人口数量是澳大利亚的14倍还多。
(03上海卷)The house rent is expensive. I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I’m paying ___ here.
A as three times B as much three times
C much as three times D three times as much (D)
这里房租很贵。在家里住的一半大小的面积在这里要付2倍的价钱。后面省略了as at home。
二、你所说的3种说法as没有,可能是表比较的3个方法吧? As……as算一种,以下还有2种。记住无论哪种,必须把相差的倍数或百分比放在前面。
1、 A……+倍数/分数/百分比/具体数字+adj/adv的比较级+than+B
This road is twice longer than that one. 这条路比那条长2倍。
He is two years older than I. 他长我2岁。
2、 A……+倍数/分数/百分比+the+n+of+B
(05上海卷)At a rough estimate, Nigeria is ____ Great Britain.
A three times the size as B the size three times of
C three times as the size of D three times the size of (D)
1) A……+倍数/分数/百分比+the/物主代词+n
He is double my age.
2) A……+倍数/分数/百分比+what从句
If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.

英语的诀窍就是熟练,办法是多背多练。加油吧!Do your best and you can do the best!