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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 16:38:00
2因为嗓子疼,他没有去参加聚会(because of))
3这个社团的多数成员有相同的兴趣(the same)
4我认为老师不会和我们想法一致(agree with)
5昨天的那场足球比赛根本不令人兴奋(not at all)
6骑单车去学校有益于我们的健康(be good for)
8这个女人病得太重,不能照顾自己(too to)
10他们昨天下午在动物园玩的很开心(have fan)
11bob是个子太矮,不能成为职业篮球运动员(too to)
12对每个人来说,交几个好朋友都是重要的(make friends)
13我们长大后就不能再依靠父母了(depend on)
14她头发的颜色和她母亲的一样(the same as)
17均衡的饮食对我们的健康有好处(be good for)
19昨天她直到晚上八点才离开学校(not until)
20由于天气不好,他们决定不去那里了(because of)
21比赛结束时,大家都很累(at the end of)
1.we were not sure we could beat them.
2.because of a sore throat,he did not go to the party.
3.majority of the members of this community have the same interest.
4.I think the teacher will not agree with us.
5.the soccer match yesterday wasn't exciting at all.
6.cycling to school is good for our health
7.when I got home i was all soaked.
8.The woman was too ill to take care of herself.
9.Her voice sounds like birds singing.
10.yesterday afternoon,they had fun in the zoo.
11.bob is too short,to become a professional basketball player.
12.make friends are important to all of us.
13.when we grow up we can no longer depend on our parents.
14.the color of her hair is the same as her mother.
15.the time I spent on learning English is more than the time I spent on learning Chinese.
16.If I have time,i will go with you to Technology Center.
17.balanced diet is good for our health.
18.He took an hour to reach train station.
19.last night,she didn't leave school,not until eight o'clock.
20.because of the bad weather,they decided not to go there again.
21.at the end of the game,everybody was tired.
英语翻译借助所给提示词,将下列各句翻译成英语1我们当时没有把握赢他们(beat)2因为嗓子疼,他没有去参加聚会(beca 英语翻译我们当时没有把握打赢他们.因为嗓子疼,她没去参加聚会.这个社团的多数成员有相同的兴趣.我认为老师不会和我们的想法 “他们没有参加聚会”翻译成英语 英语翻译借助所给提示语 将下列各句翻译成英语上车的时候,不要拥挤.(get on,push)露西和莉莉都不喜欢游泳(ne 英语翻译要求:根据所给提示,吧下列句子译成英语.因为她当时忙着写作业,没时间去照看她弟弟 (as...busy doin A.运用括号内所给的词语,将下列句子译成英语.5.由于天气不好,他没有去上学.(because of) 英语翻译1.我们相信他会成功的,因为他有才华.2.他没有参加聚会,他的弟弟也没有去.3.约翰喜欢打篮球,但他昨天没打.4 英语翻译1、几乎半小时过去了,才过来一辆车.2、在那段时间里,他照顾她的小妹妹.3、我没有去参加这个聚会,因为我没有被邀 将下列句子译成英语,用上所给提示词 1用为些钱,他们已经培训了上千个老师了.(with ,train) 英语翻译根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英语.1.他举起手臂,保护他的孩子免受伤害.(protect...from) 你的朋友和他最好的朋友闹翻了,因为对方没有请他去参加聚会,他很生气,他写信给你抱怨,请你给他回信说说你的观点.100词左 将下列句子译成英语,必须用上所给提示词 1.在我们学校将会有一场时装表演 .(t