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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 16:36:26
Heartbeats 来自Amy diamond的第五张专辑《Swings and Roundabouts》.Amy daamond 是新兴的16岁少女歌手,1992年于英国出生.这首歌可谓其代表作,将amy diamond嗓音极富磁性、干净清凉的特点体现的淋漓尽致.当我第一次听到这首歌的时候,只是安静的听着,什么都不想,什么都不做,让自己起伏不停的心情慢慢沉淀,一切烦恼皆归尘土,心灵得以回归.希望这首歌能给那些整体忙碌,身心疲惫的人带来片刻的放松.下午茶时间,我们一起来感受心跳的声音,一种温暖干净的感觉.
Ethereal and serene sounds of nature,sailed into the ears.If the heart is split in half what is the mood?Wizard injured his own broken heart cry.
Heartbeats from Amy diamond's fifth album "Swings and Roundabouts".Amy daamond is a new 16-year-old girl singer,born in 1992 in the United Kingdom.This song can be described as his masterpiece,the amy diamond voice very magnetic,clean cool features embodied in the head.When I first heard this song,just listen quietly,do not want anything,do nothing,so that my mind kept rolling slowly settling,all the troubles are owned by the dust,and soul to return.I hope this song will give those a whole busy mentally and physically exhausted people to bring a moment of relaxation.Afternoon tea time,we feel the heart beat together,a warm clean feeling.