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英语翻译“I can't believe what I'm hearing ”I thought to myself.J

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 12:45:41
“I can't believe what I'm hearing ”I thought to myself.Jeff was the last candidate(候选人)for president of Student Council .My best friend Tony come to me and said,“I'm sorry ,Mike.”I really thought you should be chosen." Later that day ,I happened to pass Jeff in the dining room.I offered him a polite “congratulations” and walked to my usual table.To my surprise ,Jeff put his plate beside mine.“I'm ,er-I'm just wondering if you would…consider coming to work on my team ,”he said nervously .“You are really smart ,and you would be a great manager.” “I don't think so,”I replied ,feeling unsure.“Well ,if you change your mind ,we are meeting tomorrow ,” he said before moving to another table.ALL that night ,I thought about the offer
from Jeff .Maybe being a part of the election process(选举过程) would give me a chance to make important changes at our school .I decided to join them.My fist goal was to create a catchy advertisement.Within a few days,we designed a poster with Jeff's pictures showing him in a number of activities.No one could walk through any hallway without passing Jeff's smiling face.My next step was to find out which new activities students would like to have at our school.Many of them wanted a chess club anda volleyball team.With the information I had collected,Jeff met with the headmaster .The headmaster agreed to add these activities to our school program.
英语翻译“I can't believe what I'm hearing ”I thought to myself.J
原创翻译为:我心里想着“真不敢相信我所听的!”杰夫是学生会主席的最后候选人了.我的好友托尼走过来对我说:“抱歉,麦克,我真的认为你应该是首选”那天后,我偶然在餐厅碰见杰夫.我礼貌地祝贺了他,然后走回平常吃饭的餐桌那里.让我惊讶的是杰夫拿着盘子坐在我身旁.他紧张地说:“我在想你是否会考虑回我的团队一起奋斗,你真的很聪明,做名伟大的管理者应当你为首选.”我心里不确定地回答他说我并不这么看.在去另只餐桌之前他说:“额,若你改变了心意那么明天就会再碰面的” .那一夜,我考虑着杰夫给我的提议.也许参加选举的话可能会给我个机会成为学校重点人物.最后,我决定加入他们了.首要目标当然是做个吸引人的广告了.几天内,我们用杰夫在出席众活动的现场照片设计了一个海报.任何一个人走过任何大厅都会看到杰夫微笑的脸蛋.我的下一步就是查明我校学生会参加哪项新活动.他们中很多人都很想要个象棋俱乐部和排球队.杰夫用我收集到的信息去跟校长见了面.校长同意将这些活动加入到校园演出项目中.