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关于名词的英语练习题1.My father was reading( ),when I came home.A.morn

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 04:33:46
1.My father was reading( ),when I came home.
A.morning paper B.a morning paper
C.some paper D.paper
2.There is not any( )for these old things in those( ).
A.room;rooms B.room;room
C.rooms;rooms Drooms;room
3.He has three( )under the bed
A.pair of shoe B.pairs of shoe
C.pairs of shoes D.pair shoes
4.This pair of shoes( )mine.Those shoes( )John's.
A.is;is B.are;are
C.is;are D.are;is
4.How many ( )of meat would you like to have?
A.kilo B.kilos
C.kiloes D.kilos'
5.There are different( ) in the pond.
A.kind of fish B.kind fo fishes
C.kinds of fish D.kinds of fishes
6.I saw ( )girl picking a pen up on the road.
A.a 8 years old B.a 8-year-old
C.an 8 years old D.an 8-year-old 请告诉我为什么.别直接就给个答案,
关于名词的英语练习题1.My father was reading( ),when I came home.A.morn




再问: 不好意思没看清楚- -,谢谢了
再答: 不好意思 第六个应该选D
再问: 没关系。那您可以告诉我为什么选这些吗- -我要的不是答案是为什么要选这个答案的原因,谢谢
再答: paper是不可数名词,晨报morning paper第一个room意思是空间,为不可数名字。第二个room意思是房间,为可数名次,所以用复数形式。这题是表示几双鞋的固定用法,一双鞋可以说a pair of shoes 三双鞋就需要给前面的量词进行复数形式。由第一空前面的This可以知道主语是单数,所以用is ,后半句同理,所以选are.有各种不同的鱼,所以表示种类的词kind要加s,fish单复数同型,所以选C8-year-old girl是个固定的用法,意思是8岁的女孩。eight是元音读音开头,所以冠词要用an.辛苦打出来。。。希望可以帮到你