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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 19:25:45
圣经中最富智慧的人莫过于所罗门.他在向神祈求的时候,就显出智慧来;不求金银、不求长寿、单求智慧.神应允了他的祈求,赐给他无比的智慧,是超前绝后的智慧.以至他的声名远播.普天下的王都求见所罗门,要听神赐给他的智慧话.示巴女王怀着仰慕和疑惑的心来到了耶路撒冷.见到所罗门,她用许多的难题试探所罗门,所罗门用他超绝的智慧给她一一解答.以至示巴女王诧异的神不守舍.对所罗门说:"以前听到你的风声,我还有怀疑,今日一见,才知所传的还不及真实的一半." 列国向他臣服,给他献上各种贡物.因此所罗门的国度富有,金银堆积如山.所罗门的开销也是惊人的:他一日的饮食,肥牛几十只,羊一百只,还有各样的珍禽异兽.他所享受的,也是以色列国绝无仅有的.他以他的智慧,谛造了以色列国空前的辉煌,他在大卫的基础上,建造了圣殿,奠定了以色列民敬拜的中心.他为自己建造了宏伟的王宫.他以他的智慧讲论昆虫走兽以及花草树木,更以其智慧写出了在圣经中赫赫有名的箴言、雅歌、传道书.一位超绝智慧的拥有者,一个国家的最高统治者,一位聆听神话语的人,一个神的代言人.当我们看到雅歌书中那纯美的爱情,看到箴言那充满哲理的词句和传道书中那透彻人生的感悟.我们不得不佩服所罗门那超绝的智慧,对人生所作的剖析
The Bible is the most wisdom of Solomon. In his time praying to God, it shows the wisdom of the past; not for gold and silver, but not longevity alone seek wisdom. God promised to pray for him, given his immense wisdom, is the last of its kind ahead of wisdom. As well as his famous. Pu world have asked to see the King Solomon, it is necessary to listen to the wisdom of God, then he. Queen of Sheba with the hearts of admirers and doubts came to Jerusalem. See Solomon, she spent a lot of problems to test the Solomon Islands, the Solomon Islands with his extraordinary wisdom to her answer. Queen Sheba and神不守舍surprised. Of Solomon, said: "In the past, you heard the sound of the wind, I still doubt that today I see, I discovered the mass of less than half of the real." Around the world succumbed to him, give him a variety of tribute presented. Solomon, the richest country, therefore, are piling up gold and silver. Solomon is also alarming overhead: his day diet, only a few dozen Cephalomappa, 100 sheep, there are a variety of rare birds and animals. His enjoyment of, the State of Israel is also unique. He in his wisdom, create a State of Israel an unprecedented glory, he basis of David, built the Temple, Israel and China have laid a center of worship. He built himself a grand palace. He stresses the wisdom of his animals and insects on flowers and trees, but also wrote in his wisdom has known in the Bible Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes. The owner of a transcendent wisdom, the supreme ruler of a country, a people who listen to the myth of language, a spokesman for God. When we see that the book Song of Solomon sweet love to see it full of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes philosophy in terms that a thorough comprehension of life. We have to admire the extraordinary wisdom of Solomon, by the analysis of life