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初三英语总复习练习 时态、语态部分

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 12:43:19
初三英语总复习练习 时态、语态部分
(l) His uncle_________  (go) to work in Australia in 1980.He_________(work) there for a long time,
(2) Tom____________  (make) quite a few friends since he___________  (study) in our schoo1.
(3) We_________ just_________ (receive) a letter from Mr.Zhang. He_________  ( write) the letter  a week ago.
(4) She_________( visit) it,she_________( learn) a lot.
(5) A:_________  you__________  (see) pandas?
B:Yes,I have.
A:Where _________ you ________(see) them.
B:I_________  (See) them  when l was in Sichuan last year.
1. —_________ your sister__________(arrive)?—Yes,she has.—When _________she__________  (arrive)?—She _________(arrive)two hours ago.2. Where_________Lucy__________(go)?I'm looking for her                                                                   everywhere,—She_________(go)swimming. She___________(go)half an hour ago,she_____________(go) there five times.
3. —I can't find my glasses·___________ you__________(see)them?一Yes. You_________(Leave)them  in the office yesterday.
4. — Ralph always________(be)a doctor?一NO,he hasn' t. He_________(be) a doctor for the last tenyears.  Before  that he_________(be) a  teacher.
5. He can't play footbaI1. He__________  (break) his leg.He___________  (break) his leg when he got off the bus.
6.一__________ you ever_________(read)the story about Lei Feng?
7.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of have gone or have been
(1) We can’t find Xiao Li anywhere. Please tell me where he______________
(2)  She told me she_________  there several times.
(3) The children___________ to the railway station to meet thereforeign teachers when l got to the school gate,
(4)—Have you seen Bob?一NO. He_________  to New York.
(5) He knows the city weI1. He__________ here for about 30 years.
初三英语总复习练习 时态、语态部分
1went has worked
2has made studied
3have received wrote
4had visited learnt
5have seen did se
1has arrived
did arrive arrived
2 is going
e seed
再问: 还有呢?我急用。
再答: = = 你自己看那边我停下来的地方,你题目打的很怪异!好像缺点什么。 这些题不算难,你究竟是神马英语水平啊~~