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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 15:31:05
This is not a great movie but it uses the differences between the civilized white man against the uncivilized Bushman and with that simple tool it becomes hilarious. Civilized in the white man's eyes, I must add to that. This is one of those movies where every gag works, no matter how simple and silly it is. Most of the time the movie is slapstick comedy the way we see it in Chaplin- or Laurel & Hardy-shorts. We even have the fast forward sequence where people are running away from something.
  The movie opens with a look on the Bushmen and a narrator (Paddy O'Byrne) tells us what kind of people they are; friendly and without any knowledge about the world not that far from their Kalahari desert. When they see a plane they think it is a strange bird or even a god. One day a pilot throws a glass bottle out of his airplane and the thing is found by the Bushmen. They have never seen anything that is a smooth and hard as this object and they find it very useful. They think it is a gift from the gods. The problem is that the gods have given only one object and for the first time they have to share something that is very hard to share. For the first time they feel emotions such as anger and jealousy. It is decided that the thing is an Evil Thing and must be thrown of the earth and Xixo (N!xau, a real Bushman) is the one to do that. These early scenes give a very funny view on how the civilized white man has become what he is today.
  In the meanwhile we have met Andrew Steyn (Marius Weyers) who does field research not far from the Bushman and Kate Thompson (Sandra Prinsloo) who was tired of her job and now wants to do something with children in Botswana. Steyn must pick up Kate and bring her to the village and this is where the slapstick begins. Steyn is a man who gets very nervous when is around women and with Kate he must be the most clumsy guy there is. We have also met Sam Boga (Louw Verwey) who wants to do a coup but fails and he is now running for the police. We know how all these stories will come together but that is not a bad thing. It only uses the story to show us differences between people, to show that the white man is not necessarily the civilized man and it does this with great comedy.
  ‘The Gods Must Be Crazy' with its simple humor works a lot better then most of the modern comedies. The way the Bushmen talk is funny enough to like this movie. Fortunately there is so much more including a little message.
  South African director Jamie Uys caught lightning in a bottle with The Gods Must Be Crazy--a Coke bottle, to be specific. This slaphappy collection of goofy pratfalls and culture-clash gags became an enormous international smash, and made a sort of star out of the Bushman selected to play the central role, the completely ingratiating N!Xau. He plays a man, unaware of white culture, who finds a Coca-Cola bottle in the Kalahari (dropped by a passing pilot) and promptly has his life turned around by this mystical object. The movie looks slipshod and even amateurish at times, yet its attitude is so bubbly it's hard to resist. Proving that physical comedy remains a true international language, millions of moviegoers around the world drank it up.
  简单的翻译 :
  电影打开一看就布和叙述者(水田o'byrne )告诉我们,什么样的人,他们是;友善,没有任何深入了解世界,不是远离自己的喀拉哈里沙漠.当他们看到飞机,他们觉得这是个奇怪的鸟,甚至是上帝.一天一个试点抛出一个玻璃瓶出他的飞机并在事发现由布.他们从来没有见过这是一个平稳和努力,因为这个对象,他们觉得非常有用.他们认为这是一个礼物,从神.问题是,神给了只有一个对象,并首次时间,他们要分享的东西,这是非常难的份额.为他们第一次感到情绪,例如愤怒和嫉妒.这是决定这件事是一种邪恶的事情,必须抛出的地球和xixo ( ! xau ,一个真实的bushman )是一个这样做的.这些早期的场景,让一个很有趣的观点就如何文明白人男子,已成为他的今天.
  在此期间我们曾会见郑家富steyn ( marius weyers )谁做田野调查,不远处从bushman和凯特汤普森(桑德拉prinsloo )谁是厌倦了她的工作,现在想做点事,与孩子们一起在博茨瓦纳. steyn必须拿起凯特,并把她向村和这里是喜剧片,开始了. steyn ,是一个人取得非常紧张的时候,是周围的妇女和凯特,他必须是最拙劣的家伙存在.我们也碰到了萨姆博加( louw verwey )谁想做的事政变,但没有和他现在是运行为警察.我们知道如何所有这些故事将走到一起,但这并不是一件坏事.它只是利用这个故事来说明我们之间的分歧的人,这表明了白人男子,不一定是文明的人与它是否与这个伟大的喜剧.
  南非主任杰米uys陷入闪电在瓶与神要疯了-可乐瓶,要具体.这slaphappy收集goofy pratfalls和文化冲突糖胺聚糖成为一个巨大的国际粉碎,并作出了某种明星出的bushman挑选发挥核心作用,完全取悦n ! xau .他饰演一位男子,不知道有白人文化,谁找的可口可乐瓶在卡拉哈里(下跌及格试点) ,并及时,有他的生活扭转这个神秘物体.影片看似粗疏,甚至外行的时候,但其态度是如此奔放,它的难以抗拒.证明身体喜剧仍然是一个真正的国际语言,数以百万计的电影观众在世界各地喝了.