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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/23 18:30:21
I want to tell a loving story between a girl from Japan and a boy from China,it is very moving.
The boy grew in Japan when he was young and the girl was his neighbour.So they are good friends in childhood.From primary school to senior school,when they went to school or went back home the girl always walked behind the boy to finish the short distance together.Every time when the boy looked back to smile at the girl,the girl always would bow her head shyly.Both of them were not very good at express themselves,but they could understand each other.So in the seventeen years they were always together,always had this little sweet love.Unexpectedly,because of war,the boy had to go back to China with his families.At parting,both of them cried,but nothing could be done to go back to the sweet period.However,the story hasn’t finished,many years later,the boy was covered with silvery hair,he finally got the chance to go back to Japan to look for his girl.He was so excited,but when he arrived at the place the lived with the girl,he shocked.He tried to connect with the girl,but cannot.Later,he was told that the girl died because of missing him too much.Before she died,she hadn’t married with anyone.He was so painful,because he loved the girl so much that he hadn’t married with anyone,too.Whereas the reality was that they could not meet each other any more.Then the boy bought 99 roses,stood at the road they went to school and went back home.He gave the flowers to every old with silvery hair.Until the last rose sent out,he felt he truly had sent away his love.
英语翻译我想讲一个很感人的故事,是关于一个中国男孩和一个日本女孩的爱情故事.这个男孩从小在日本长大,女孩就住在男孩家附近 英语翻译有一个男孩和一个女孩从小一起长大,青梅竹马.他们小时候,一次,男孩对女孩说:“我是你的BF……” 女孩问:“什么 英语翻译这个组合的中文名称是 男孩爱女孩还是男孩像女孩? 英语翻译一个梦惊醒了男孩,在梦中女孩子离开了男孩.醒来之后男孩有种很不安的感觉,他怕女孩会就这样离开他. 求一个关于在海边捡石头的故事,女孩捡石头,男孩变成了石头. 有一个女孩和一个男孩,女孩的脚在桌子底下踩男孩, 女孩对男孩讲,你是我的亲人,男孩很爱那个女孩,女孩对男孩很依赖,只是什么友情还是爱情? 一首关于歌德的诗,讲一个女孩被一个男孩追,叫男孩不要追了,男孩还追,然后女孩就说了什么(不太清楚),就是讲你所逃避的就是 女孩和男孩恋爱很久,当初是男孩先追求的女孩.女孩过生日了,男孩送给她一个八音盒,虽然是旧的,但女孩十分高兴.不久后 4个男孩和3个女孩站成一列,要求男孩甲前面至少有一个女孩,并且男孩甲前面的女孩人数必须少于男孩甲后面的男孩人数.则不同的 五【1】班来了两个新同学,一个是来自美国的男孩、一个是来自日本的女孩、根据题目向同学们做介绍 英语翻译男孩是用来保护女孩的,而不是用来伤害女孩的!用英语翻译这句话,地道点,男孩最好用The boys,意思就是一个整