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一篇很长的英语作文 不限题材

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 08:13:15
一篇很长的英语作文 不限题材
一篇很长的英语作文 不限题材
╬小屁孩 7级 2008-12-21 我的爱好
My hobby is fishing.我的爱好是钓鱼.I am fond of going fishing,for it is both interesting and iastructive-It tempers my willpower.我喜欢去捕鱼,因为这是既有趣,iastructive ,这脾气我的意志力.Last Sunday I went fishing with my friend,He Ping.We started at daybreak.上周日我去钓鱼我的朋友,
.我们开始在拂晓.After three hours' cycling,we arrived at the outskirts of Hefei and came to a stream.经过三个小时的自行车,我们来到郊外的合肥,来到一个流.The water is clear and clean.水是明确和清洁.One can see fish swimming.人们可以看到鱼游泳.The meadow sprinkled with buttercups slopes to the stream.草地撒上buttercups斜坡流.It is a good place for fishing.这是一个好地方捕鱼.
In a few minutes everything was ready.几分钟后一切都准备好了.Putting the bait of earthworms on the hook,dropping the hue into the strum,we sat there fishing with rod in hand.把蚯蚓鱼饵的钩,放弃色调到舱底,我们坐在那里捕鱼杆在手.An hour passed.一个小时过去了.I did not catch a single fish.我没有听清一个单一的鱼类.I lifted the fishing rod time and again.本人取消了钓竿一次又一次.Time and again I was disappointed.一次又一次我很失望.There was no fish on the hook.没有鱼的钩.On the other side of the stream,He Ping had caught several fish,one of which was very big.在另一边的流,何平已被一些鱼类,其中之一是非常大的.
"How comes it that you catch fish casily while it is so difficult for me?" “怎么是你认为捕鱼casily虽然它是如此难以我吗?” I asked.我问.
"it's easy.Only you need Io be patient." “这很简单.只有你需要有耐心.” He Ping answered.何平回答."Make sure that you lift the fishing rod when the whole flat has sunk.I'm sure a fish will greet you on the hook." “请务必解除钓竿时,整个单位已经沉没.我相信鱼会迎接你的钩.”
After a while the floats were swinging.过了一段时间的花车是摆动.I kept my breath and waked.我继续我的呼吸和醒来.The floats became still again.花车仍然再次成为."Come on my hook,dear fish." “来,我钩,亲爱的鱼.” I was saying to myself.我说我自己.In a moment the floats swang again and then sank abruptly,Just at that moment I lifted my fishing rod.在一个时刻swang的花车,然后再突然沉没,就在那一刻我举起钓竿.To my delight I caught a fish.我高兴捉住了鱼.Grlnning,I took it off the hook.Grlnning ,我把它摆脱困境.
This gave me a great revelation(启示):Stamina(毅力) is what we need to achieve success.这给了我一个很大的启示(启示) :耐力(毅力)是我们需要取得成功.And it is more important to young people who usually lack it.而且更重要的是,年轻人谁通常缺乏它.