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英语题0.00Doctors tell us that holidays are necessary. We shoul

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 19:38:36
Doctors tell us that holidays are necessary. We should rest from work for one or two weeks every year, if it is possible, they say, we should leave our homes and go to another part of the country. We should go away for a holiday. Then, after the holiday, we return home and we’ll be fresh(有精神的) and ready(准备) for another year of work.
This seems to be true(真的) for most adults(成年人) and young children but not for the old. Some people do not like leaving their homes to stay in strange places and they do not like a sudden(突然) change in their lives. They like their homes best of all.
51. Doctors say that we should have a good rest when we are tired.
52. We must leave our homes for vacation.
53. Only adults can rest a lot from hard work.
54. All the old people don’t like to stay in strange places for holidays.
55. “return” means get back or come back.
英语题0.00Doctors tell us that holidays are necessary. We shoul
51 F(问题中讲医生说我们应该在疲劳时休息,文中没有,只说我们一年应该 休假一到两周,所以是错的)
52 F(文中只说了如果可能的话,我们应该离开家去别的地方,而问题中是必须要离开,所以错误)
53 F(文中没有说只有成年人可以在繁重的工作后多休息)
54 F(文中只说是一部分人喜欢呆在家里,并没有指明只是老人)
55 T (这个你查查字典也应该知道啦,我这里就不多说了~)