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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 16:27:57
Yao became a King for 70years and got Shun, retired after another 20years, ordered Shun to govern the country, recommanded to the Heaven. Yao died after 28years since his retiring. People were sad as if died a parent. To show their mourning, there were no music in the country. With knowing his son Danzhu was not fit for the governing, Yao passed his King's position to Shun. Yao thought, if Shun took the position, all people would get benefit from him except Danzhu; if Danzhu took the position, all people would be harmed by him except Danzhu. Yan felt that he should harm all people but do good to only one man, so finaly passed the position to Shun. After Yao's death and 3years mourning period passed, Shun passed the position to Danzhu at the south bank of River South. All leuds worshipped Shun instead of Danzhu, lawsuit were brought to Shun instead of Danzhu, people praised Shun instead of Danzhu. Shun said "it's the will from Heaven", so soom took the King's position. That was King Shun.
英语翻译尧立七十年得舜,二十年而老,令舜摄行天子之政,荐之於天。尧辟位凡二十八年而崩。百姓悲哀,如丧父母。三年,四方莫举 尧立七十年得舜,二十年而老,令舜摄行天子之政,荐之于天文言文翻译 英语翻译1.以暴露百姓之骨于中原2.而摩厉之于义3.十年不收国,民具有三年之食4.不患其众不足也,而患其志行之少耻也 英语翻译西伯盖即位五十年.其囚羑里.盖益易之八卦为六十四卦.诗人道西伯,盖受命之年称王而断虞芮之讼.后十年而崩,谥为文王 英语翻译鲁昭公之二十年,而孔子盖年三十矣.齐景公与晏婴来适鲁,景公问孔子曰:“昔秦穆公国小处辟,其霸何也?”对曰:“秦, 三年之痛七年之痒十年之约是什么意思 三年之痛七年之痒十年之约什么意思? 读史记提到:尧在帝位七十年得到舜,又过了二十年而告老,尧退帝 位二十八年而终老.我读 到这一段的时候我还真算不出来帝尧活 英语翻译熙宁十年秋,彭城大水,云龙山人张君之草堂,水及其半扇.明年春,水落,迁于故居之东,东山之麓.升高而望,得异境焉, 英语翻译原文熙宁十年秋,彭城大水,云龙山人张君之草堂,水及其半扇.明年春,水落,迁于故居之东,东山之麓.升高而望,得异境 英语翻译(1).二青含哺之,宛似主人之让客者.(2).独怪俨然而人也者,以十年把臂之交,数世蒙恩之主,转思下井复投石焉. 懂文言文得进或十年,或七八年,或五六年,或三四年皆以年月示之.君汝与她之缘之成也.或费三.四年补六年.或七八年.甚至十年