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plant signal and behavior是sci收录的杂志吗,哪位能给个权威的说法,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:数学作业 时间:2024/10/11 00:24:01
plant signal and behavior是sci收录的杂志吗,哪位能给个权威的说法,
plant signal and behavior是sci收录的杂志吗,哪位能给个权威的说法,
以下是查询结果,共69 条
缩写名 全名 ISSN号 影响因子 年文章数
TRANSPL P transplantation proceedings 0041-1345 1.027 892
NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL nephrology dialysis transplantation 0931-0509 3.167 567
TRANSPLANTATION transplantation 0041-1337 3.641 506
PLANT PHYSIOL plant physiology 0032-0889 6.367 482
PLANT J plant journal 0960-7412 6.751 363
AM J TRANSPLANT american journal of transplantation 1600-6135 6.423 334
PLANT CELL plant cell 1040-4651 9.653 280
PLANT SOIL plant and soil 0032-079X 1.821 279
PLANTA planta 0032-0935 3.058 264
BONE MARROW TRANSPL bone marrow transplantation 0268-3369 3 236
LIVER TRANSPLANT liver transplantation 1527-6465 3.751 227
PLANT DIS plant disease 0191-2917 1.79 224
PLANTA MED planta medica 0032-0943 1.848 220
BIOL BLOOD MARROW TR biology of blood and marrow transplantation 1083-8791 3.797 218
PLANT CELL REP plant cell reports 0721-7714 1.974 214
J HEART LUNG TRANSPL journal of heart and lung transplantation 1053-2498 3.087 212
PLANT SCI plant science 0168-9452 1.795 202
PHYSIOL PLANTARUM physiologia plantarum 0031-9317 2.192 193
COMMUN SOIL SCI PLAN communications in soil science and plant analysis 0010-3624 .462 189
J PLANT PHYSIOL journal of plant physiology 0176-1617 2.239 177
PLANT MOL BIOL plant molecular biology 0167-4412 3.847 175
PLANT CELL PHYSIOL plant and cell physiology 0032-0781 3.654 175
PLANT PATHOL plant pathology 0032-0862 2.012 145
J PLANT NUTR journal of plant nutrition 0190-4167 .593 141
PLANT ECOL plant ecology 1385-0237 1.236 138
BIOL PLANTARUM biologia plantarum 0006-3134 1.259 137
PLANT CELL ENVIRON plant cell and environment 0140-7791 4.497 133
MOL PLANT MICROBE IN molecular plant-microbe interactions 0894-0282 4.275 133
CLIN TRANSPLANT clinical transplantation 0902-0063 1.923 132
PLANT CELL TISS ORG plant cell tissue and organ culture 0167-6857 1.068 131
CLIN ORAL IMPLAN RES clinical oral implants research 0905-7161 2.148 124
TRANSPL INT transplant international 0934-0874 2.3 121
PLANT SYST EVOL plant systematics and evolution 0378-2697 1.492 119
PLANT BREEDING plant breeding 0179-9541 1.092 118
EUR J PLANT PATHOL european journal of plant pathology 0929-1873 1.482 115
RUSS J PLANT PHYSL+ russian journal of plant physiology 1021-4437 .439 114
FUNCT PLANT BIOL functional plant biology 1445-4408 2.375 114
CAN J PLANT SCI canadian journal of plant science 0008-4220 .722 113
PLANT PHYSIOL BIOCH plant physiology and biochemistry 0981-9428 1.669 112
INT J ORAL MAX IMPL international journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 0882-2786 1.78 112
INT J PLANT SCI international journal of plant sciences 1058-5893 1.59 100
J PLANT NUTR SOIL SC journal of plant nutrition and soil science-zeitschrift fur pflanzenernahrung und bodenkunde 1436-8730 1.082 96
AUSTRALAS PLANT PATH australasian plant pathology 0815-3191 .472 91
CURR OPIN PLANT BIOL current opinion in plant biology 1369-5266 9.189 89
SOIL SCI PLANT NUTR soil science and plant nutrition 0038-0768 .69 87
PLANT BIOLOGY plant biology 1435-8603 2.012 86
CELL TRANSPLANT cell transplantation 0963-6897 3.871 83
IN VITRO CELL DEV-PL in vitro cellular & developmental biology-plant 1054-5476 .548 81
TRENDS PLANT SCI trends in plant science 1360-1385 8.995 79
J PLANT RES journal of plant research 0918-9440 1.415 79
PLANT GROWTH REGUL plant growth regulation 0167-6903 1.024 78
ACTA PHYSIOL PLANT acta physiologiae plantarum 0137-5881 .295 72
TRANSPL IMMUNOL transplant immunology 0966-3274 2.093 60
ACTA AGR SCAND B-S P acta agriculturae scandinavica section b-soil and plant science 0906-4710 .462 49
XENOTRANSPLANTATION xenotransplantation 0908-665X 2.588 46
DIALYSIS TRANSPLANT dialysis & transplantation 0090-2934 .161 43
CAN J PLANT PATHOL canadian journal of plant pathology-revue canadienne de phytopathologie 0706-0661 .915 34
J PLANT GROWTH REGUL journal of plant growth regulation 0721-7595 2.22 33
J AQUAT PLANT MANAGE journal of aquatic plant management 0146-6623 .659 29
PLANT FOOD HUM NUTR plant foods for human nutrition 0921-9668 .885 29
J PLANT BIOCHEM BIOT journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology 0971-7811 .414 28
SEX PLANT REPROD sexual plant reproduction 0934-0882 1.6 21
PHYSIOL MOL PLANT P physiological and molecular plant pathology 0885-5765 1.107 20
ANNU REV PLANT BIOL annual review of plant biology 1040-2519 18.712 20
PLANT MOL BIOL REP plant molecular biology reporter 0735-9640 1.098 16
CRIT REV PLANT SCI critical reviews in plant sciences 0735-2689 4.477 12
Z PFLANZENK PFLANZEN zeitschrift fur pflanzenkrankheiten und pflanzenschutz-journal of plant diseases and protection 0340-8159 .373 0
ISR J PLANT SCI israel journal of plant sciences 0792-9978 .295
ADV BOT RES advances in botanical research incorporating advances in plant pathology 0065-2296 3.043