作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

英语翻译My conscience opened its mouth and swallowed me in one b

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/11 00:27:24
My conscience opened its mouth and swallowed me in one big bite .I couldn't get over it.I just couldn't go back to the cashier and pay for me stolen pizza .I was so upset that I refused to give myself the pleasure of an ice cream in fear that someone would say ,“Hey Jeff ,why don’t you use the change for the ice cream instead of that nice .new 20 bill?” I was not so pound of my cash now
英语翻译My conscience opened its mouth and swallowed me in one b
我的良心张开了血盆大口,狠狠地咬了我一口.我没办法克服那种感觉.我甚至没办法走回收银台为偷来的披萨付账.我是如此地沮丧以至于我拒绝了冰淇淋的诱惑,因为我害怕别人问我:“嘿!杰夫,你为啥不用零钱却要用一张崭新的二十元的的纸币来买一个冰淇淋啊?”我现在不再为我的现金感到自豪了(pound 是不是写错了?总觉得改成proud---自豪,才通顺@~@)