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英语翻译According to the Better Business Bureau,failure to adver

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 03:43:36
According to the Better Business Bureau,failure to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as the lowest violates the New York Consumer Protection Law.
英语翻译According to the Better Business Bureau,failure to adver

advertise 通知;为...做广告;使突出
1)failure to advertise the highest price (.) as prominently as the lowest
2)failure to advertise the highest price violates the (.) Law.
再问: 可以分析一下 as....as 前后的比较对象么
再答: failure to advertise 动词 + 比较对象 the highest price (...) as prominently as the lowest 前面是 the highest price ,后面是 the lowest (price) 其实是否定的结构,相当于 not as ... as...
再问: failure to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as (to advertise) the lowest (price in a range of prices for a service or product) voilates...... 你看我把省略的东西补全 这样对不对?
再答: 嗯,看来你理解了这个意思。但语法上我是觉得有点小问题的。 prominently 是修饰动词advertise的。整个as...as结构,如果中间是副词,只需要在前面有一个动词就足够了。 来个简单点的例句方便看: He doesn’t play golf as well as his sister. 所以,我觉得好点的方式是: advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as the lowest (price in a range of prices for a service or product)
再问: 我还是有疑问 as...as 结构 中间的是比较的内容 例如 i will come here as quickly as i can 这里的比较内容就是quickly 然后quickl 修饰动词come,也修饰 i can (come) 即前后都能修饰 这里的 as prominently as prominentl也应该前后都能修饰啊,如果按照你说的后面省略的是the lowest (price in a range of prices for a service or product) 就不合理了啊 您再想想 然后 我也再想想 麻烦你了
再答: 好吧,你是对的。 advertise是动词,但(to advertise) 就变成名词了,我就是觉得这点怪怪的。再想想应该是可以的。 I like swimming as much as (I like) bowling. 照这个仿写: Some companies don't advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as (they advertise) the lowest (price in a range of prices for a service or product). 我觉得,有些东西凭意会和语感就行了,能分析出这个as...as结构比较的是什么已经可以让你把题做对,实际中省略写法已成习惯(写全了句子会很臃肿),再去追求源头会无谓地浪费时间。80%的时间还是要花在20%的难点上。
再问: 我觉得 第二个to advertise 跟前面的 failure to advertise 形成结构上的对称,因为比较结构as..as要讲究对比对象的对称 ps. 因为我觉得as..as 结构实际应用中太常见,深究一下 有利于对句子的理解 也好翻译
再答: fail to do sth. 固定搭配,个人觉得,这里的to是跟着fail后面走的而不是跟着advertise,只是这里的fail名词化为failure了。