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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 22:20:18
冠词的使用有一定的规则,但亦有相当多的习惯用法或特殊用法.有时用不用冠词,意思差别很大,如in front of和in the front of:
An old woman walked slowly in front of the car.
He's sitting in the front of the car with the driver.
①定冠词是指特定的人或物,用于特指的名词前.如:Who's the man?The book is mine.
②当第二次提到某人或某物时,要用定冠词.如:There is a factory near No.14 Middle School.The factory has been there for several years.
③形容词最高级前用the:the heaviest truck,the most expensive jacket.
④序数词前用the:the third lap,the second turning.
⑤世界上只有一个这样的事物前用the:The moon goes round the earth,and the earth goes round the sun.
⑥方位词前用定冠词the:in the east,in the northwest,on the left,on the right.
The telephone was invented by Alexander G.Bell.
⑧在姓的复数前加the,表示一家人或夫妇.如:the Greens表示格林一家人或格林夫妇,等等.
学习定冠词方法二:熟记学到的惯用短语.如 at the same time,all the same,look the same (same前用定冠词),all the time,at the beginning of,at the end of,at the moment,by the way,on the way home,in the end,in the middle of,on the side of,during the holiday,by the end of the twentieth century,for the last time.
例如:在中国的北方应译为in the north of China.但North China,用方位词修饰专有名词,就不用定冠词,译为“华北”,有确切的地理和行政范围,它和泛泛的“中国的北方”含义不同.
又如由普通名词构成的专有名词,前面须加定冠词,如山脉、 河流、一些名胜等:the Yellow River,the Rocky Mountains (落基山脉),the Great Wall,the Summer Palace (颐和园)等;而在Ayers Rock,和Jiangsu Province等之前就没有定冠词.
1)例如u虽然是元音字母,但它的字母名称是.是辅音,当u在单词开头读时,前面的冠词要用a,如a useful language,a unit,a university等;但u在单词开头也可能读,那就是元音开头了,其前面的冠词就要用an,如an uncle,an unhappy family,an unusual day,an untrue story等.
2)又如在26个字母中,有一些辅音字母的字母名称是以元音开头的.如f ,1 ,m ,n ,s ,x ,h ,r ,这时我们应该这样说:There is a“u”and an “s”in the word“US”.
3) 要注意h开头的单词有不发音的情况,例如an hour,an honest man.但h如读 ,那就是辅音了例如a hen,a hat,a hole,a horse.a和an虽然有上述用法上的区别,但它实质上是一个词,意义是一样的.
I need a dictionary.我需要一本字典.
He has an egg and a cake for breakfast.早餐他吃了一个鸡蛋和一块蛋糕.
② a和an所以叫不定冠词,或称类指,它通常是anyone的意思,即同类中的任何一个,one member of a class (类),而非特指的一个.例如:
A child needs love.(任何一个)孩子需要爱.
A horse is a useful animal.马是有用的动物.
③ a和an还含有every,each或per (每)的含义.如once a week每周一次;100 kilometres an hour每小时100千米;five dollars a kilo每千克5美元.
最后,在学习和掌握不定冠词a和an的用法时,我们强调要熟记含有不定冠词的词组或惯用短语,如half an hour,in a minute,in a hurry,just a moment,What a pity!With a smile,It's a pleasure,quite a nice shop,have a cold,have a look at,have a rest,have a match,have a try,have a good time,have a meeting,go for a walk,catch a bus,want a go,make a telephone call,leave a message等等.熟记一些常用词组,是一个重要的有效的学习方法