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The Sales Tax Registration number must be shown in the retur

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/10 17:33:09
The Sales Tax Registration number must be shown in the return and all the invoices
The Sales Tax Registration number must be shown in the retur
Sales Tax 营业税
Registration number注册号
(tax) return (纳税)申报表
(tax)invoice (税务)发票
再问: 翻译的的真好,后面接着还有 and quoted in all their correspondence with the Sales Tax Department,也不是很懂额,您能赐教吗
再答: 整句话是这样的? The Sales Tax Registration number must be shown in the return and all the invoices and quoted in all their correspondence with the Sales Tax Department
再问: 恩 是啊 这个我一起翻译为 销售税注册号必须要显示在申报表和他们所开具的所有发票上。同时,也必须显示在他们与销售税务部门的所有函件中 您看行不。我还碰到一个地方不懂 importer,exporter and general order supplier? 见笑了。。。
再答: 不合适,correspondence在这里不是函件的意思,若是的话,应该用复数形式,需要加S。应该是 in (all their) correspondence with,与...一致;依照。连起来应该这样理营业税注册号必须要显示在申报表和所有的发票上,并按照税务部门(的要求)填写/(引用)。 importer进口商 exporter出口商 general order supplier普通供应商