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英语翻译林肯的一首歌歌词如下I had a friend named VictorThe two of us used

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 15:04:05
I had a friend named Victor
The two of us used to hang every single day
And it seemed like overnight that his whole life just changed
I know when his mom and dad broke up
It didnt make sense but I know that his dad was a drunk
And he gambled away the rent
Pretty soon vic was seein red
Pissed off but instead
He drank every night til he passed out
Then he’d do it all again
The whole time smiling on the outside to cover the pain
But on the inside all he was tryin to do was get away
Dying to get away
Let the pain of yesterday go slipping through the cracks
Funny how things change color
Then fade to another shade
When you had it made it was all good
But now look just another day
It was so fresh it was so clean
Now its all gone
1,2,3,lights out
Which way to turn
Can't get a grip
All alone in a big white house
Everyday gets worse and you just curse
'til your head bursts and it hurts so bad
She left like yourself should have thought of that one first
No family,no kids,can’t accept what you did
Now you wanna runaway but you can't cuz the past comes back again
Slippin through the cracks
Sip a little jack
Go to bed half dead
What about rent
Why does every cent gotta be a bet
Whens it gonna end
Oh my god,we dont got a penny left
My mom’s gotta find a way to get a job
Outta debt,outta dodge,outta breath,outta this big problem
My pops wanna get away from the pain
In a better place in his brain
But the medication he takes makes him wasted
So sick if hes gonna think the good lord would come take him
Im shakin him wake up you son of a bitch
He’s dying to get away
Let the pain of yesterday go slipping through the cracks
Hiding himself away watching all the memories fade
Away From red to black
He’s dying to get away
Let the pain of yesterday go slipping through the cracks
Hiding himself away watching all the memories fade
Away From red to black
英语翻译林肯的一首歌歌词如下I had a friend named VictorThe two of us used
I had a friend named Victor and 我有个叫VICTOR 的朋友
  The two of us used to hang every single day 我们的过去就是整天在街上晃悠
  And it seemed like overnight that his whole life just changed 忽然一个晚上过去VICTOR的一切都变了.
  I know when his mom and dad broke up it didn't make sense 我知道他的父母闹翻了
  But I know that his dad was a drunk and he gambled away the rent 我也知道他的父亲是个酒鬼加赌鬼
  Pretty soon Victor was seeing red,pissed off,在那个时候VICTOR看见了红色,他走开了.
  but instead he'd drink every night until he passed out and then he'd do it all again 他开始在夜里没完没了地喝酒,第2天又重复
  The whole time he was smiling on the outside to cover the pain,当他一个人在外面的时候他的脸上带着笑
  But on the inside all he was just trying to get away 但是在他的心里,他只是在逃避
  He's dying to get away,let the pain of yesterday go slipping through the cracks 他只是在逃避,让昨天的疼痛在时间的裂纹中,松弛下来
  Yo,funny how things change color then fade to another shade when you
  Had 'em made that was all good but now look,just another day.好笑的是一切都在你以为你干的很好的时候慢慢变了颜色,变得昏暗,你看,这几乎是另外的一天
  It was so fresh,it was so clean never saw it go 1-2-3,lights out which way to turn 它是这么新鲜这么干净你再也见不到那些烦人的事,灯光照亮了你该往哪里去
  Can't get a grip,all alone in the big white house 但是你却无法控制,你在明亮的大房子里感到孤独
  Everything gets worse and you just curse till your head bursts 一切都变坏了!你疯狂地诅咒这一切
  And it hurts so bad and she left,make yourself should've thought of that one first 你伤害了所有的人他们都走了,你第一次冷静下来思考
  No family,no kids,can't accept what you did.没有家庭没有孩子,没有什么能接纳你
  Now you wanna wanna wait,but you can't because the past comes back again 于是你想等下去,但是你不能因为那些痛苦的记忆又回来了!
  Slipping through the cracks sip a little Jack.Could've been half dead 在裂纹和夹缝中间你松弛下来了,已经半死不活
  What about rent?Why does every cent gotta be a bet?When's it gonna end?但是房租怎么办呢?为什么所有的钱都变成赌注了呢?什么时候才有尽头?
  Oh my God we don't got a penny left.天哪我们一分钱都没有了!
  My mom's gotta find a way to get a job,out of debt,out of Dodge,out of breath,out of this big problem 妈妈去找工作了,我们需要钱还债我们还要继续活着
  My pop's wanna get away from the pain and the better place in his brain but the medication he takes makes him wasted so sick if he's gonna think the good Lord would come take him,I'm shaking him,wake up you son of a bitch.可是我的父亲还在做白日梦,他想逃离所有的痛苦找个只在他的大脑里存在过的天堂,但是他服用的药物已经把他一天天拖垮了,如果他还在梦想做神会来带走他的灵魂我就摇晃他直到把这个婊子养的弄醒!
  He's dying to get away,let the pain of yesterday go slipping through the cracks 他只是逃避,让昨天的疼痛在时间的裂纹中,松弛下来
  Hiding himself away,watching all the memories fade away from red to black 他把自己藏起来,看着所有的记忆都变暗了,从红变到黑
  歌手好像是fort mino