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B  It is not easy to become a doctor in the United States.Th

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 12:31:23
  It is not easy to become a doctor in the United States.The fist step is getting into medialSchools.More than 120 american schools offer study programs for people wanting to be docloes
  Advice adout medical schools can de got from books and magazines like The Princeton Review
  which provide information adout medical schools,study programs and jobs.Competition(竞争) to
  enter medical schools is strong.American medieal schools have only about 16000 openings for
  students each year.However more than two times this many want to enter medical schools
  An important part of their application(申请)is the Medical College admission Test(MCAT)
  The Association of American Medican Colleges provides the test by comouter.It is offeredin the
  United States and in other countries.Applieants need to do well on MCAT.They also need a good
  Reeond in their college atudics
  An interview(面试)is also required for entranee to medinal schools.The interviewer wanis to
  Know if the applieant understands the semands of life as a mediasl student and doetor in training.He also wants to know zbout the applieant`s goals for a life in medieinc
  People who want to become doetors often study a lot of biology,chemistry or other seience.
  Some students work for a year or two in s medical or researeh job before they attempt to enter
  Medieal sehools
  A medical cducation can cost a lot,form 15000 dollars to 40000 dollars a yesr or more.Most
  Students need to borrow momey to pay for the edu
B  It is not easy to become a doctor in the United States.Th
在美国,成为一名医生并不简单.第一步是进入医学院.超过120所院校为想要成为医生的人提供了研修专业.你可以从《普斯顿评论》等一些提供有关医学院,研修专业及工作的信息的杂志和书籍中得到相关建议.进入医学校的竞争是很大的.美国医学院每年只有大约16000个招生名额.然而,不止两倍的学生想要进入医学院.通过医学院入学考试是他们申请的重要一部分.美国医学院协会提供网上测验.这种测验方式经常在美国及其他国家实行.申请者们需要在考试中取得好成绩.而且他们要在大学里有良好的记录.进入医学院还需要进行面试.面试官想要知道申请者们是否理解作为正的医学院学生和正在接受培训的医生.(semands 面试官也想知道申请者医学生涯中的目标.想要成为医生的人往往学习了很多有关生物学,化学及其他学科的知识.一些学生在尝试进入医学院之前曾在医学或研究工作岗位上工作了一两年.医学院的费用是很高的,每年大概15000到40000美元甚至更多.大部分学生需要借钱来付学费.