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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 23:38:55
中日战争期间,叶问以双拳捍卫了中国人的尊严,不惜开罪日本皇军逃离佛山。战争结束后,叶家三口于佛山生活艰难,叶问于是在1949 年带同妻儿前往香港建立新的家园,展开了人生新的一页。叶问一家初来香港生活艰苦,幸得好友介绍下,得到在报馆当主编的梁根借出天台予其教授咏春。可惜咏春拳对香港人来说却是闻所未闻,开班多天仍无人问津。第十天,日暮渐临,一名年少气盛的青年黄梁闯上天台,以西洋拳向叶问挑战,但于数招内被打败!黄梁心感叶问的厉害,带同数名西洋拳师兄弟一同向叶问拜师,叶问就此在香港收得第一批徒弟。 麻烦老师翻一下、谢....
解题思路: 见下
During Sino-Japanese war, YeWen defended the Chinese people's dignity using his fists and escaped from Foshan because he offended Japanese . After the war ended, the family of three in Foshan lived a difficult life. Therefore, YeWen went to HongKong to establish his new home with his wife and children in 1949. Their new life was beginning. In the beginning, their life was very hard. Fortunately, YeWen could teach "Yong Chun Boxing" with the help of his friend and LiangGen, editor-in-life in a newspaper.
However, it's unlucky for the family because the people in HongKong had never heard "Yong Chun Boxing". Nobody took interest in it since its opening. On the 10th evening, a young and arrogant young man, Huang Liang, went to the platform and challenged YeWen, using "Xi Yang Boxing ". He was defeated by Ye Wen in a short time. Huang Liang admired Ye Wen's martial skills and took Ye Wen as a teacher. Then his brothers joined together. Thus, Ye Wen received the first group of students in Hong Kong .
