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英语翻译摘 要〕广告是商战中有力的武器.广告英语是一种专门用途英语,它与普通英语有着较大差别,主要体现在词语的选用、句子

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 02:25:14
摘 要〕广告是商战中有力的武器.广告英语是一种专门用途英语,它与普通英语有着较大差别,主要体现在词语的选用、句子的构造和修辞的手段方面.本文结合大量实例,从广告英语的词法特点、句法特点和修辞特点三个方面分析了广告英语的语言特点,并浅析了其翻译策略.〔关键词〕广告英语 语言特点 翻译策略
“Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products,services or ideas by indentified sponsors through the various media.”    根据这一定义,广告应具备传递信息的信息功能,诱使读者在获得信息后作出广告所期望的反应的诱导功能,以及对商品进行粉饰美化的美感功能和表情功能.    广告是一种竞争性的商业行为,目的是争取消费者,因而商业广告就是向潜在的广大消费者介绍商品,激发其对某种商品的兴趣,从而促使其购买的一种手段.广告英语经过长期的发展,在词法、句法、修辞等方面都表现出一定的特点.1.广告英语的词汇特点     广告英语须简洁、形象、富于感染力.因此恰当、准确的选词对广告的效力有着不可忽视的作用.(1)简明易懂,通俗易记     广告文字必须具备通俗易懂的特性,多用大众化的口语词汇,少用或不用晦涩、深奥的词语,使消费者看得明白,说得清楚.如,Nike,just do it.(耐克,想做就做).再如,Scots Whisky Uncommonly smooth.(苏格兰威士忌口感滋润非同凡响).(2)创新拼写,增强吸引力     在广告英语中,创作人员会故意把人们所熟知的词拼错,或加上前缀、后缀.虽然新造词与原词形态不同,但意义仍存,这既可以达到生动、有趣和引人注意的目的,又可以有效地传播商品信息.    同时,人们往往认为用词富于创新的广告,其宣传的产品常具独特之处.如,Give a Timex to all,to all a good Time.(拥有一块天美时表,拥有一段美好时光).这是“天美时”表的广告标题.Timex=Time+Excellent,由此对表的计时准确等特点给予了充分强调.又如,For twogether the ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday.(两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假日,一切费用均包括在单人价格之内.)twogether取自together之音,又取“两人”之意比together更形象,倍添情趣.(3)针对性强     广告的目的就是让消费者尽可能多地了解产品.因此,创作者要抓住产品的主要特点,有的放矢,用形象、生动的语言表达,使消费者在不经意间记住产品.如,Tide’s in.Dirt’s out(汰渍放进去,污垢洗出来.—汰渍洗衣粉).这是一则针对性很强的洗衣粉广告,消费者自然会心领神会.
英语翻译摘 要〕广告是商战中有力的武器.广告英语是一种专门用途英语,它与普通英语有着较大差别,主要体现在词语的选用、句子
Abstract:The ads are to powerful weapon in the war.Advertising English is a specialized use of English,and it has a larger difference between ordinary English,primarily reflected in the choice of words,sentence structure and rhetorical tools.Large number of examples of this paper,from the ad in English lexical features,syntax and rhetoric characteristic features of the three aspects of the English language advertising features,and translation of its strategy.Key words:ad features of the English Language Translation
With China's accession to WTO,more and more foreign enterprises and their products continue to enter China's market.In the battle for this product in the market,one of the most powerful weapon is commercial advertising.In the economic globalization today,advertising the international trend of more and more obvious.There is a national enterprise of international advertising,the issue of globalization - that is,your translation.Ad translation must take full account of product sales target language habits,cultural accumulation,and therefore familiar with the English language features and advertising strategy on the translation of it is particularly important.
Second,the English-language ad features
Ads in the original Latin word of advertere,Italy
"Arouse the public's attention and some of the things in a certain direction induced by the use of a means."
"Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products,services or ideas by indentified sponsors through the various media." Under this definition,your message should have the information function,induce readers Access to information in the ads after the desired reaction induced by the functional and cosmetic beautification of goods to the functional and aesthetic expression functions.Ads are a competitive business practices,the aim is for the consumer,commercial advertising is thus to potential consumers on goods and to stimulate their interest in certain commodities,thereby contributing to its purchase of a means.Ads in English through a long period of development,morphology,syntax and rhetoric,and other areas have shown a certain characteristics.1.Advertising English ad features the English vocabulary to be concise,vivid,full of appeal.Therefore appropriate and accurate word to your election has the effect of the role can not be ignored.(1) easy to understand,easy-to-remember popular ad text must be easy to understand the characteristics of the popularization of the use of spoken language vocabulary,or do not have to use less obscure,esoteric terms,so that consumers see that,to put it clearly.If,Nike,just do it..Again,Scots Whisky Uncommonly smooth.(2) spelling innovation,enhance the attractiveness of advertising in English,creative staff will deliberately by people familiar with the word misspelled,or add the prefix,suffix.Although the new coinage and the original form of the word different,but still significant,it can achieve a lively,interesting and eye-catching purposes,but also effective dissemination of information goods.At the same time,people tend to think that the wording of innovative advertising,promotional products are often unique.If,Give a Timex to all,to all a good Time.This is the "days when the United States," the ad title table.Timex = Time + Excellent,this time on the table to give the precise characteristics of the full stressed.Again,For twogether the ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday.Twogether together from the Voice,for "two" means more than the image together,Beitian fun.(3)-targeted advertising is aimed at consumers as much as possible to understand products.Therefore,the creators should seize the main characteristics of products,targeted,with image,vivid language,so that the consumer inadvertently Remember products.If,Tide's in.Dirt 's out .This is a highly targeted detergent advertising,consumers will naturally Xinlingshenhui.