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英文翻中文It is further expressly agreed by and between the Stude

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 16:34:12
It is further expressly agreed by and between the Student and the Sureties and the Government that if at any time during the currency of this Agreement either of the Sureties shall die or cease to reside within or remain out of their respective Country of Residency for more than twelve (12) consecutive months or shall become insolvent (the duty of reporting any such events to the Government being hereby placed on the Student) then and in such an event the Student and the remaining Surety or either of them shall substitute a new Surety who is acceptable to the Government and who shall be ready and willing to substitute for and take over the obligations herein contained of the Surety who has died,ceased to reside within or remained out of their respective Country of Residency as aforesaid or has become insolvent.PROVIDED that in the event that no such substitute Surety can be found,the Government may at its option at any time thereafter terminate this Agreement and the Student shall thereupon cease to have any further claim to any benefits under this Agreement or to any right to damages,expenses,claims,demands or cost of any kind whatsoever without prejudice to his/her obligations under this Agreement.
英文翻中文It is further expressly agreed by and between the Stude
它是进一步明确约定和学生之间和担保人和政府,如果在任何时候货币在本协定的任一担保人应死亡或停止内居住或停留了各自国家的住院医师以上12 ( 12 )连续三个月或应成为破产(责任报告任何此类事件,以政府正在特此放在学生) ,然后在这种情况下的学生,其余的担保或其中一人将取代新的担保谁是可以接受的政府,谁应准备并愿意取代并接管此处的义务所载的担保谁死了,不再住在或保持了各自国家的派驻上述或已经破产.规定,如果没有这样的替代担保可以发现,政府可以在其选择在其后任何时间终止本协定和学生应立即停止任何进一步要求任何好处根据本协定或任何损害赔偿的权利,开支,索赔,要求或费用的任何类型不妨碍他/她的本协议下的义务.