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worth worthy的用法,要全

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 14:49:32
worth worthy的用法,要全
worth worthy的用法,要全
1.having a value in money 值……钱 Our house is worth about XX RMB.
to be worth a bomb/packet/fortune=a lot of money 值一大笔钱
2.worth sth/doing sth (used to recommend the action mentioned because you think it may be useful,enjoyable) (指行动)值得,有价值
The musemu is certainly worth a visit.
This idea is well worth considering.这个想法很值得推敲
3.worth sth/doing sth (important,good or enjoyable enough to make sb feel satisfied,espacially when difficulty or effort is involved) 值得(费周折)
The job involves a lot of hard work but it's worth it.
IDM:for all sb's worth 竭尽全力
for what it's worth (所说的只是个人意见)无论管不管用,不论好坏
I perfer this color,for what it's worth.
1.worth of sth 价值XX的东西
The winner will receive ten pounds' worth of books.
2.worth of sth 能用XX之久的东西
This armchair is promised to be worth of 3 years.
3.the financial,practical of moral value of sb/sth 价值;意义;作用
Their contribution was of great worth.
1.worthy of sb/sth 值得(或应得)的
to be worthy of sttention
The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause.
3.having good qualities but not very interestiong of exciting 有价值的(但不太令人感兴趣或激动的)
her worthy but dull husband 她那为人正派却呆板的丈夫
4.worthy of sb/sth 有(某人或某事物)的典型特征
He gavve a speech that was worthy of Martin Luther King.他作了一次典型的马丁·路德·金式的演讲
a meeting attended by local worthies 当地知名人士参加的会议
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