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英语中的简单句把下面的定语从句翻译并变为简单句:1.We're doing a project about countr

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 21:23:46
1.We're doing a project about countries that we want to visit.
2.This one is a photo of a shark that I saw on the Great Barrier Reef.
3.There were kangaroos that were jumping alongside the car on our way back from Uluru.
4.There's a photo conpetition that I want to win.
5.The food and drink that most Australians like are grapes,lamb,ham,and especially wine that they make in the south of the country.
6.He's the photographer who won the photo competition last time!
7.I got some great shots of the boy who plays the guitar on the left.
8.His father is the person who will be most unhappy.
9.The person who won the prize for the Most Beautiful Nature photography is fifteen-year-old Li Wei.
10.The photo which we liked best in the Historic China group was taken by Zhao Min.
11.He Zhong manages to show the movement and the sounds of this great new band,and the fun which their fans are having.
12.It successfully shiws the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.
英语中的简单句把下面的定语从句翻译并变为简单句:1.We're doing a project about countr
1.We're doing a project about countries.We want to visit countries.
2.This one is a photo of a shark.I saw the shark on the Great Barrier Reef.这是一张鲨鱼的照片,我在大堡礁看到那条鲨鱼的.
3.There were kangaroos that were jumping alongside the car on our way back from Uluru.在我们从乌奴奴国家公园回来的路上,有袋鼠在汽车旁边跳.
4.There's a photo competition.I want to win the competition.这是一幅我想要赢的照相比赛.
5.The food and drink are grapes,lamb,ham,and especially wine.Most Australians like the food and drink.They make wine in the south of the country.澳大利亚人最喜欢的食物和饮料是葡萄,羊肉,火腿,并且尤其喜欢他们在澳洲南部酿的酒.
6.He's the photographer.The photographer won the photo competition last time!他是那个上次赢了照相比赛的摄像师.
7.I got some great shots of the boy.The boy plays the guitar on the left.我拍到了那个在左边弹吉它的男孩的好镜头.
8.His father is the person.The person will be most unhappy.他的父亲是将会最开心的那个人.
9.The person is fifteen-year-old Li Wei.The person won the prize for the Most Beautiful Nature photography.那个获得最佳自然风光拍摄奖的是15岁的李磊.
10.The photo was taken by Zhao Min.We liked the photo best in the Historic China group.在历史中国系列中,我们最喜欢的那张照片是赵敏拍的.
11.He Zhong manages to show the movement and the sounds of this great new band,and the fun.Their fans are having fun.何中成功地展示了新乐队的动作和声音以及乐队粉丝们的快乐.
12.It successfully shows the rich culture.The culture makes Beijing so famous.它成功显示了使中国闻名的丰富文化.