作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

I.Choose the correct pronunciation to each of the following

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 21:17:03
I.Choose the correct pronunciation to each of the following words.
1.observe:A.[bzәv] B.[әbzә:v]
2.employ:A.[impli] B.[empli]
3.various:A.[vris] B.[vris]
4.operate:A.[preit] B.[preit]
5.splendid:A.[splendid] B.[splendid]
II.Mark the stress for each of the following words.
A.第一个音节 B.第二个音节
A.第一个音节 B.第二个音节
A.第一个音节 B.第二个音节 C.第三个音节
A.第一个音节 B.第二个音节 C.第三个音节
A.第一个音节 B.第二个音节 C.第三个音节 D.第四个音节
III.Each of the following sentences is provided with two answers.Choose the one that identifies its correct sentence type and its nuclear tone type.
11.What have you seen?
A.一般疑问句——升调 B.特殊疑问句——降调
12.Did he go there on foot or by bike?
A.选择疑问句——升、降调 B.一般疑问句——升调
13.Why didn’t you go?
A.一般疑问句——升调 B.特殊疑问句——降调
14.You don’t have to come tomorrow,
A.don’t you?——升调 B.do you?——升调
15.What lovely weather it is!
A.祈使句——降调 B.感叹句——降调
I.Choose the correct pronunciation to each of the following
1B 2A 3(你给的问题不清楚)4看不清楚5B 6B 7A 8B 9B 10C 11B 12A 13B 14B 15B