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英语翻译Life is good for penguins (企鹅)in Antarctica (南极洲) at the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 22:33:48
Life is good for penguins (企鹅)in Antarctica (南极洲) at the end of the movie Happy Feet.Real-life penguins,though,have little to celebrate.Twelve of the world’s 19 penguin species (种类) face serious dangers,according to wildlife (野生动物) experts.They are in danger of disappearing from the earth,including emperor penguins.“Many of the world’s penguin species are in big trouble,” penguin expert Kassie Siegel told WR News.Her wildlife group is asking the US government to protect the 12 species of penguins in danger.Several countries are making efforts to make sure the rapidly increasing tourists in Antarctica do not cause environmental problems.Overfishing is one reason for the problem.Penguins eat small fish and tiny animals called krill.Fishing boats are catching lots of krill.That leaves less food for penguins to eat.Another reason for the decline (减少) in the number of penguins is global warming(全球变暖).Global warmingis the slow increase in average temperature around the world.It is causing sea ice to melt(融化).Penguins need the sea ice as a place to rest while they search for krill.Scientists say global warming is caused when we drive cars or use electricity.That burns coal,oil,and natural gas.The burning of coal,oil,and natural gas gives off
gases that add to the overheating of the earth.“We can and must reduce gas emissions (排放) to keep penguins safe in the future,” says Siegel.
英语翻译Life is good for penguins (企鹅)in Antarctica (南极洲) at the
南极洲的企鹅在电影"快乐的大脚"结尾中生活得很好.实际生活中,企鹅没什么可以庆祝的.野生动物专家指出,全球19种企鹅中的12种濒临灭绝.他们面临从地球上消失的危险,包括帝企鹅在内.企鹅专家Kassie Siegel告诉世界导报“许多企鹅物种面临着大麻烦”.她的野生动物保护小组正在寻求美国政府保护濒危的12种企鹅.一些国家正在努力避免迅速增加的南极洲游客破坏企鹅生活的环境.过度捕鱼是问题之一.企鹅吃小鱼以及称之为磷虾的小型动物.渔船正在大规模捕捞磷虾.这样做使得留给企鹅的食物不足.另一个企鹅数量变少的原因是全球变暖.全球变暖缓慢地升高全球温度.这导致冰川融化.企鹅在捕食磷虾的过程中,需要利用海面上的冰面来休息.科学家表示全球变暖是因为我们开车或使用电能.这需要燃烧煤、石油以及天然气.燃烧的过程会排放气体导致地球过热.Siegel说“我们能够且必须减少气体排放来保护企鹅的未来”