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英语作文:2008年6月1日, 限塑令 在我国实行

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英语作文:2008年6月1日, 限塑令 在我国实行
英语作文:2008年6月1日, 限塑令 在我国实行
You talk about the "Plastic limit the" views
To conserve resources, protect the ecological environment, and guide consumers to reduce the use of plastic shopping bags from June 1 onwards, the formal implementation of China's "Plastic limit the" nationwide implementation of compensation for the use of plastic shopping bag system, and prohibit the production, sales , the use of thickness less than 0.025 millimeters of plastic shopping bags.
Last year under the State Council General Office issued the "production and marketing on the restriction of the use of plastic shopping bags," which the production and sales of plastic bags used to make specific provisions in order to from the source to take effective measures, and urge enterprises to the production of durable, easy recovery Plastic shopping bags, and guide and encourage the masses of the rational use of plastic shopping bags, and build a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society.
According to the Ministry of Commerce, National Development and Reform Commission, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce jointly issued the "retail establishments paid use of plastic shopping bags Management Measures", from June 1 this year, the retail establishments are not marked with the price of plastic shopping bags to consumers free of charge or provide free plastic bags in disguise, one of such acts, will be subject to a fine of up to 1 million.
State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Administration of plastic bags around the environmental, safety and labeling requirements established three criteria. Among them, the standard specifies a minimum thickness of plastic bags and plastic bags must have a similar requirement "to protect the environment and resources on many occasions requested the use of" environmental statement.
In addition, the State Administration of Industry and organs will be June 1 to August 1 on the sales of plastic shopping bags the operators to carry out an overall concentrated inspection campaign to bag sales units whether there is a legitimate license, and whether the operator to stop using ultra-thin plastic shopping bags banned plastic bags, without lawful license sales unit, sales unit focused on the use of plastic bags to check the situation.
It is understood that since 1999, our country one after another in Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Liaoning and other provinces and cities in more than 10 introduced restrictions on the use of ultra-thin plastic bags provided. However, due to the restrictions of a local policy, ultra-thin plastic bags in the management of difficult agricultural market and the railway, transportation and other mobile sites are still widely used, creating an environmental hazard.
Reform of the Ministry of Commerce business Xiaowei, deputy director of the door said that compensation for the use of plastic shopping bags is a consumer revolution, the aim is to reduce plastic bag use, to encourage the use of sub-baskets, bags and other sub-alternatives, energy and resources, the protection of. Restrictions on plastic shopping bags production, sale and use, consumers will inevitably bring a certain degree of inconvenience, but in order to sustainable economic development, in order to benefit future generations, to make that sacrifice is the obligation of every citizen.

In that case, the implementation of our YUEQING how? See Yueqing Daily reports:
"Plastic limit the"purposes - Yueqing situation?
Supermarkets, shopping centers to implement a better market, shop no movement
"Plastic limit the" yesterday officially implemented, the city supermarkets, shopping malls, farmers markets and other sales venues are timely implementation of the "Restricted plastic order" and began to provide plastic bags paid it? Make unannounced visits to journalists yesterday, found that supermarkets, shopping malls has basically begun to implement, while the farmer's market, some shops still can not see the movement.
Supermarket: cashier explained theMa
Yesterday morning, reporters came to the urban people Qingyuan Road supermarket. Each in the supermarket checkout, 1 pairs of plastic bags have to start charging fees from the public license, stated above, the relevant provisions of the country and the price of plastic bags.
"Plastic bag or not to?" Clearing cashiers End customers purchased items will be added. Face a loss of a Mother: "Do not bag how loaded you?" After listening to the interpretation of the cashiers know plastic bags to start charging. Mother said that he really did not know such a thing, and later, she bought a small plastic bag, barely under the items loaded. "In the future, to bring their own bags or basket to buy them." Mother said that while only a few cents, the number of more or a little pained.
"Now there are many customers do not know 'plastic limit orders', have to explain, to put it aMa." Cashier said, "Today's work must be tired than usual, and some knowledge of customers thought it was the supermarket own To make money, and very understanding. "heard that a woman should be charged, in a huff away the purchased items, but also an abusive.
However, some customers have begun to bring their own reusable shopping bags has been. Cashiers, introduced yesterday, more than 9:00, more than 10 customers bring their own reusable shopping bags to people shopping in this supermarket.
Lianhua Supermarket at the entrance, a piece of "plastic limit order" of the bulletin boards, on the entrance to the location of the most eye-catching, cashier introduced, the supermarket plastic bags have been carried out on pricing, and start charging.
Shopping Center: Free access to environmental bag
"Consumers purchased an item of clothing, often several hundred dollars, and then charge 12 yuan for the cost of shopping bags, and they are definitely hard to understand. We are now free of charge to provide consumers with a paper shopping bag." Bao Xin kai tai in the urban areas shopping mall, a salesperson introduced.
Total services in shopping malls and Taiwan, the staff told reporters that the arcade has ordered a number of environmentally-friendly bag, a few days before the convening of each person in charge of counter meets requirements of counters can only provide consumers with environmentally-friendly bag, if there is no environmental bag, then into shopping malls to receive. For the convenience of customers, the current mall free reusable shopping bags.
Times Square in the urban areas, the reporters saw the combination of the arcade are "61" Children's Day, to carry out the "My green idea bags creative graffiti" collection activities. It is understood that not only rewards the best work, the mall will also serve as the theme of the first batch of bags designs, printing, release.
Farmer's market, shops: no movement
Yesterday morning, a press center in the urban areas to see farms, all stalls are hung with all kinds of plastic bags before, did not see a business-to-plastic bag fee.
bought a few vegetables, with a plastic bag containing 45. Reporter asked her, and stores have plastic bag collection fees,said: "Nobody. However, this bag although the confiscation of money, but merchants are certainly count into a vegetable." While plastic bags are not the other money, it seemsdoes not appreciate.
Subsequently, the reporter came to the urban Nanma market, Qingyuan farms, where the self-employed and doing business as usual, almost no stores to charge customers to bring bags of money.
"Consumers would like to close plastic bag fee? Heard." On the road in Qingyuan sold tobacco and alcohol and other daily necessities in small shop, the shop owner said he simply does not know what is "limited to plastic to make." Reporters also visited the diligent Road, Ching Cheung Road, a number of non-staple food store and clothing stores, many owners are unaware of.

超市、商场执行较好 菜场、小店未见动静
“现在还有很多顾客不知道‘限塑令’,都要解释一下,说得嘴都麻了.”收银员说,“今天的工作比平时都要累,有些不知情的顾客以为是超市自己要收钱,很不理解.” 一位妇女听说要收费,气呼呼地抱走了所购物品,还撂下一句粗话.
英语作文:2008年6月1日, 限塑令 在我国实行 2010年6月1日,我国对空调产品实行新的能效国家标准 去年,国家下达“限塑令”,规定自2008年6月1日起,在所有超市、商场、集贸市场等商品零售场所实行塑料袋 我国从2011年5月1日起在公众场所实行“禁烟”,为配合“禁烟”行动,某学校组织开展了“吸烟有害健康” 2008年3月1日起,我国实行新的个人所得税征收标准:月收入不超过2000元的不纳税,月收入超过2000元的, 2011年9月1日我国实行的新个人所得税的征收标准为下,计算方法为: 修改病句 国务院规定,自2008年6月1日起,①在所有超市、商场、集贸市场等商品零售场所实行塑料袋有偿使用 1.自2008年6月1日起实行塑料袋有偿使用制度,全国塑料袋有望减少三分之一 改病句 我国从2011年5月1日起在公众场所实行“禁烟”,为配合“禁烟”行动,某校组织开展了“吸烟有害健康”的知识竞赛,共有20 (2011•襄阳)我国从2011年5月1日起在公众场所实行“禁烟”,为配合“禁烟”行动,某校组织开展了“吸烟有害健康”的 我国从2011年5月1日起在公众场所实行“禁烟”,为配合“”禁烟”运动,某校组织开展了“吸烟有害健康”的知识竞赛,共有2 (2014•南长区二模)2011年5月1日起,我国实行“醉驾入刑”新规.交通警察用经硫酸处理的三氧化铬(Cr2O3)硅胶