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人教版英语必修一UNIT 1

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 02:36:46
老师,人教版必修一英语unit1 student's book上的第7页的第一题和第二题,希望老师耐心解答~么么哒~~谢谢老师~~~
人教版英语必修一UNIT 1
解题思路: 1. Dear Xiaodong, Some people like talking with others, but some people are shy. If you fall into the second group, it can be hard to make friends. But you can change the situation.// What ar you interested in? If you like basketball, for example, you could talk with some of your classmates who like basketball. The easieast way to start talking to people is to find something you have in common.// If you are standing beside a group of your classmates, join in their discussion if you know some