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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/24 13:22:13
参考词汇:碳酸类饮料carbonated beverages
Dear John,
  Sorry to hear you are feeling sad about your overweight problem.

                                                                                 Li Hua
Dear John,
Sorry to hear you are feeling sad about your overweight problem.I am writing to you because I have learned some potentially helpful ways from a famous health blog.
First,less snack,more fruits.You know when you have a lot of snack that contains much calories and these energy is not consumed by your body,the only result you will get is to turn these additional food into fat.Why don't you try some fruits when you are feeling to eat something?Fruits are rich in fiber and they will also help you to have a regular bowel movement,which is an ideal nutrition resource for you.
Second,less beverages (especially carbonated beverages),more water.It is obvious that those so-called ‘healthy drinks’ are nothing but sugar water with carbon dioxide in it.As you know,sugar is material contains much more calories than other food and there is almost no difference between drinking a lot of carbonated beverages and stuffing yourself with candies,cakes or anything sweet.So,please use water instead of those beverages when you are thirsty,not only for your weight problem,but also for your teeth and bones as carbon dioxide are bad for your bones’ density.
Third,participate in sports.By far we have discussed about ‘how to decrease calories that is brought into your body’,now we should move on to the topic that ‘how to burn these calories out’.Yes,you have guessed it.The answer is sports.When you are doing sports regularly,you will find the change in yourself sooner or later,and it will be a further activation for you to go to sports,which can construct a positive circulation and the result can be nothing but a more and more healthy,and of course,fit body.
Li Hua
假设你是李华,John实力的美国网友,从他的电子邮件中你知道他最近因为肥胖而感到烦恼.请你用英语给他写一份电子邮件就此提 急 求英语书面表达 假设你是李华,收到网友John的一封电子邮件,得知他即将外出旅行.用英语给他回一封电子邮件内容如下: 假设你叫李华,收到你网友John的一封电子邮件,得知他即将外出旅行,根据提示用英语给他回一封电子邮件, 假设你叫李华,最近你的加拿大网友jack被诊断患心脏病,正在进行康复治疗.你决定给他发一份电子邮件. 英语作文 ,.假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Scott想了解中国的传统节日和饮食文化.请你用英语给他发电子邮件,要点如下:( John即将外出旅行,请你根据提示用英语给他写封电子邮件向他介绍你对旅行的看法并提醒他旅行注意事项 一篇英语的书面表达假如你的网友JOHN即将外出旅行,请你跟凝聚一下提示用英语给她写一篇电子邮件,向他介绍你对旅游的看法和 关于旅游的英语作文假设你叫李华,收到你的网友John的一封电子邮件,得知他即将外出旅行.请根据以下提示用英语给他回一封电 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友汤姆发来电子邮件,说他和好朋友杰克因为一次误会影响了他们之间的友谊,希望你能帮助他.请你给他回 英语作文假设你是赵铭,你班来自美国的交流学生Robert患病住院已有三周,请你用英文给他发一封电子邮件 关于灯谜的英语作文假设你是李华,你的美国笔友John来信说他对中国灯谜很感兴趣,请根据下列要点,用英文给他回一封电子邮件 假设你是李明。上周末你的美国网友Jack在给你的电子邮件中问你打算在大学里学什么专业。请你根据下面的提示,给他回一封10