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英语翻译34.On the bus,all the people except the drive were encou

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 20:29:34
34.On the bus,all the people except the drive were encouraged to talk and laugh during the journey.
35.Don't spoil the children.Can't you make your little boy behave himself?
36.The two girls are so alike that strangers find difficult to tell one from the other.
37.It's not right to look down on the poorrer people of the world.
38.Although the working mother is very busy,she still devotes a lot of time to her children.
39."Can't gou read?" the officer said angrily to the notice
40.-The bog was seen to falloff his bike a momentacp
-I am sorry to hear that.
41.-The little boy was make to read English for another hour.
-Poor boy!
42.He make it easier for people to use the computers by inventing new software.
43.I find it necessary to tell him all about it.
44.He excited I was when I heard the exciting news!
45.Only when the match was over in the afternoon were they able to leave.
46.-Iwent to visit you school yesterday.
- Oh,did you?So did I.
47.The mother elephant is one hundred than the baby elephant.
48.Every year many people get killed while crossing the street.
49.It is very likely that she will ring me tonight.
50.The amused speaker kept us amusing at the meeting.
英语翻译34.On the bus,all the people except the drive were encou
34. 在公共汽车上,所有的人都被鼓励除了开车交谈、欢笑在旅程中.
40. -沼泽被看见他的自行车momentacp衰减
小男孩是使41. - - - - -一个小时读英语.
42. 他使人们更容易地使用电脑的发明新的软件.
43. 我觉得有必要告诉他关于这件事的一切.
44. 他激起我当我听到这个令人振奋的消息!
46. -Iwent昨天上学去拜访你.
49. 很可能她今晚可能给我打电话.