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7道英语的试题 帮忙解答下

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 00:52:06
7道英语的试题 帮忙解答下
1. You must acknowledge that you ________ a fault.
A.have done B.have made
C.have produced D.have committed
答案是D, 为什么不选B呢?
2. The regulation requires that everyone who holds a non-immigrant visa ________ his address to the government in January of each other.
A.reports B.report
C.reported D.has reported
答案是B, 会不会是答案错了,至少也是A吧.
3. Since one of the teachers has objected to _______ having the main role in the play, we have had to make a last minute change.
A.his B.him
C.them D.their
答案是什么, 连句意都不懂,请高手一定能详细解释一下.
4A.hurt B.injured
C.wounded D.damaged
更不懂了,答案是C, 我经常见到别人用B.
5. these plants cannot ________ a cold winter.
A.suffer B.endure
C.sustain D.stand
答案是C, 我觉得D似乎才更对, 比如说--经得住时间的考验,好象是stand the test of time.
6. The doctors spent nine hours performing the operation on a dying man.Finally,the ___him___.
A.brought.around B.brought.back
C.brought.through D.brought.to
答案是D, 受不了. 我选了C.这个C有治疗痊愈的意思,应该是吧?
7. The little boy _____ the visitor in anger.
A.gazed at B.stared at
C.glared at D.peeked at
答案是A, 我选了C.
4 Ten soldiers were killed and thirty _________.
忘了把题目写上了 - -```
7道英语的试题 帮忙解答下
1.commit a fault是固定用法~make a mistake一般是这样搭配的
比如commit a suicide就是自杀的固定用法
2.require/insist/suggest等表示命令/坚持/暗示这些意思的时候,是虚拟语气,后面都是跟(should)do sth,should可以省略,所以要选D
3.选A,因为有一个老师反对他做主演,我们才不得不在最后一分钟换人.someone's doing是一种固定用法,专业叫法我一时忘了,可以去问下老师~表示某人做什么,比如do you mind his opening the window?(你介意他关窗么?)这句话里面是做的object to 的宾语
6.题干后面少了主语吧,bring sb back(to life)是救活某人的意思,后面应该是finally ,the doctor brought him back .最后医生保住了他的性命.
7.gaze at是盯住,glare at是怒视,如果选C就和题目里的in anger重复了,所以选A恰当.stare at是凝视,peek at是瞥一眼