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英语翻译1.因为有无数个期待实现的梦想 让我们一起加油吧!2.我可警告你 不许乱搞男女关系 被我发现的话 你就死定了!3

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:29:55
1.因为有无数个期待实现的梦想 让我们一起加油吧!2.我可警告你 不许乱搞男女关系 被我发现的话 你就死定了!3.下次再碰到这样的鬼事 我不甘示弱 我真是气疯了!4.不要說爲我;我承受不起 不要說愛我;因爲我不喜歡等待 不要說恨我;因爲我已經無情了 我不願意無情;是情傷我太深.5.在你还没有彻底跟你的EX-EX-GF关系处理好 请不要来找我 更不要说你喜欢我的话.6.看到你跟她一起玩电动开心的样子 很般配的一对 叫我怎么相信你对我说的话是真心的呢?7.我好象从来没有单独火车回家 每次回家身边都会有爸妈 朋友 同学一起相随的 朋友对我说 “什么事情都有第一次 我要勇敢的迈出这一步.好矛盾的心理啊!在大人们面前唠叨自己要独立 可是面对问题的时候又想逃避掉!8.我脾气坏,还对你那么凶 你受不了 你可以选择不跟我一起玩啊!9.希望有个人能一直陪着我,就象海豚一样一直守护着我,永远只对我一个人好,看到你对其他人好,我会哭,我会痛,只是你感觉不到 总共9句话!希望英语高手帮忙translate 呵呵~不要出现中示英语哦``我可不想闹joke~西西~在此十分感谢朋友你咯!
英语翻译1.因为有无数个期待实现的梦想 让我们一起加油吧!2.我可警告你 不许乱搞男女关系 被我发现的话 你就死定了!3
1Because there are numerous so expect to achieve the dream of filling it with us!3.Next time,when the ghost thing I do not to be outdone gas I really crazy!4.Do not say that for me; I can not afford to Do not love me; because I do not like to wait Do not say that I hate; because I have a relentless I do not want to merciless; is injured and I love too.5.You have not thoroughly in with your EX-EX-GF Please do not handle well the relationship came to me Not to mention if you like me.6.To see you playing with her electric like a very happy match a pair of how I believe you told me told me that if it is sincere?7.I seem to never go home alone each train will have parents to go home around friends with my classmates and I accompanied a friend to say "what are the first time I have to take that brave step.Ah good contradictions psychological ah!garrulous in front of their own people to face the issue of independence but wants to avoid the time out!9.Hope that individuals will always accompany me,as guardian of dolphins has been the same as me,I always only one person,and others see you,I cry,I will be pain,but you do not feel