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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 22:38:22
"If I am not at home,I must be at the cafe.If not at the cafe,I must be on my way there." This is a commercial of Starbucks,origiating from Zweig or Balzac,or some unknown artist in Vienna.No matter who made this remark first,it demonstrates the close relationship between an artist and a cafe.If you are lucky enough to be in one of the famous European cities at some point,please make sure to take a seat in one of the well-known cafes,relax and peak at the tourists and pigeons from a corner of the square.To say the least,cafe is part of the European culture to some extent.
再问: 棒,再帮我一下吧! 如此强大的名人阵容自然令赫赫有名的希腊咖啡馆倍感自豪。坐落于西班牙广场附近的希腊咖啡馆最早创立于1760 年。A.D.1760的字样骄傲地出现在了咖啡店的橱窗上面。
再答: The Greek cafe is proud of a long list of celebrities. It was founded in 1760 near the Spanish square. Anyone can see the capitalized A.D.1760 on the ship window from a distance.
再问: 四只猫咖啡馆位于巴塞罗那蒙特斯(Montsio)街上,这家咖啡店的建筑很有特色,砖红色的前面有着文艺复兴的雕塑。四只猫咖啡馆最有名的顾客就是毕加索了。1899年,17岁的毕加索在这家咖啡馆里举办了他的第一次展览,他的画还被用作菜单的封面。