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中文文章翻译英文摘 要:水彩画材料是可视、可触、有色彩、有肌理、占据空间的材质,是画家在创作中用于艺术语言表现的、蕴含丰

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 17:39:54
摘 要:水彩画材料是可视、可触、有色彩、有肌理、占据空间的材质,是画家在创作中用于艺术语言表现的、蕴含丰富文化内涵及精神指向的物质形态.它是审美意义上“在场”的媒介;肌理是它外在表现特征;它与技法不可分割,新材料运用必然带来与之相适应的新技法.由于时代审美诉求与主体观念转变,新材料介入水彩画生成材料语言,它传递了材料用以塑造艺术形象、传达情感、观念、审美价值的精神形态.材料与材料语言表现为物质与精神的关系,二者是相互依存、互为存在的关系体,在相互依存中材料客体物化为可感知的材料语言.从材料到材料语言是一种从物质到精神的过程,材料是时代发展产物,是构成绘画作品不断创新的先决条件,是属于人类物质范畴.要研究材料语言就得先研究材料,没有对材料的基本理解,我们就是材料的奴隶.只有充分了解材料、拓展材料,才能驾驭材料,掌握材料语言.水彩画材料拓展是一个创作主体观念与时代审美需求契合与材料化的过程,蕴含着时间性、审美性、创新性.材料拓展的前提就需要对材料接受与认同,实质上就是使新材料由物质层面向精神层面转换和演进.其具体表现为水彩画材料语言时代品格的形成,国外主要从英美两国水彩画表现特征及唐·法雷尔和怀斯等著名画家,在材料上拓展到具有鲜明时代品格形成来诠释;国内主要以王肇民及弟子为代表的“广派”水彩画、坎勒玻卡水彩画和孙宁布上水彩画进来佐证;充分说明审美主体将特有的意境与审美客体呈现出来的材料语言二者之间将会浑然契合,形成特有精神形态,给审美主体以美的享受,在不完美的世界中创造完美,在无意义的世界中寻求意义.从而有力证明水彩画材料语言实现了从代语到自语和画语权确立的时代品格.水彩画材料语言,是艺术观念和艺术情感传递的手段、中介和容器.
中文文章翻译英文摘 要:水彩画材料是可视、可触、有色彩、有肌理、占据空间的材质,是画家在创作中用于艺术语言表现的、蕴含丰
Abstract:Watercolor material is visual,tactile,a color,a texture,material occupying the space is used for artists in the creation of performance art language,contains a rich cultural connotations and spiritual point of physical form.It is the aesthetic sense of "presence" of the media; texture is its external behavior characteristics; it an integral techniques,the use of new materials will inevitably bring about corresponding new techniques.Aesthetic appeal as the times change and the main concepts,new materials,materials involved in the language generated watercolor,which passed the material to create artistic images to convey feelings,ideas,aesthetic value,spiritual formation.Language materials and materials showed the relationship between material and spiritual,the two are interdependent,the relationship between the physical existence of each other,the interdependence of material objects in the physical and chemical materials for the perceived language.From material to material language is a process from the physical to the spiritual,material is a product of the times,constantly painting constitutes a prerequisite for innovation,are areas of human substance.To study materials have to first study the language material,there is no basic understanding of the material,we are the slaves of the material.Only by fully understanding of materials,develop materials,to control the material,master the material language.Watercolor is a creation of the main material to expand the concept of the aesthetic needs of the times fit with the material for the process contains time-sensitive,aesthetic,and innovative.Materials needed to expand the premises to accept and identify the material,in essence,is to make the new material to the spiritual from the material aspects of change and evolution.The specific language of the times the performance of materials for the watercolor character formation,mainly from abroad,the performance characteristics of British and American watercolors and Tangfaleier and Wise,and other famous artists,to expand the material to form a distinct character to interpret the times; domestic mainly Zhao-Min Wang and his disciples as representatives of the "broad school" Watercolor,Khamleck glass card watercolor and watercolor painting come on Sun NING Bu evidence; fully explain the unique aesthetic of the main object of mood and aesthetic of the material presented will be aware of this fit between language to form a unique spirit of the form,subject to the aesthetic of beauty in the imperfect world to create a perfect,in a meaningless world in search of meaning.Powerful evidence of watercolor materials which language to Zi Yu from the place of Languages and draw the right language character set of the era.Watercolor material language of art concepts and art a means of emotional transfer,brokerage and containers.