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英语翻译Just after my ISP said that,attackers from the Philippin

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 17:23:31
Just after my ISP said that,attackers from the Philippines apparently made off with the e-mail account names and passwords and then used them to request new account passwords at eBay and other online sites.When the new passwords -- which eBay happily sent to the users' e-mail accounts -- arrived,the attackers were waiting to pick them up.From there I can only assume that they gained access to credit card data and any other information registered with the site.Users never even knew what hit them.
But why is it this easy for attackers to steal our online information?Why don’t eBay and other In more than 20 years of using charge cards at restaurants and department stores,not once has my credit card number been stolen -- never mind used as a lever to unlock other financial accounts.E-commerce sites have better safeguards than simply issuing a new password and sending it to the user's e-mail account?Could it be that the e-commerce sellers,in their rush for higher income,oversimplify security so as not to discourage buyers?Or is it just that it's not their money that's at risk?
So far,I haven't discovered any changes to my online account passwords.But after this,I'll think twice before registering at another Web site or making another online purchase.At least until I see my December Visa bill.
英语翻译Just after my ISP said that,attackers from the Philippin
之后,我的ISP说,攻击者来自菲律宾显然与电子邮件帐户名和密码,然后用他们要求在eBay及其他在线站点的新帐户密码.当新的密码 - 易趣愉快地发送到用户的电子邮件帐户 - 抵达,攻击者等待来接他们.从那里,我只能认为他们获得信用卡资料和网站注册的任何其他信息.用户甚至从未知道什么击中了他们.
但为什么这个简单的攻击者窃取我们的在线信息?为什么eBay和其他不超过20年的收费卡,不是一次已经被偷走了我的信用卡号码用在餐厅和百货公司 - 不去管作为杠杆用于解锁等财务账目.电子商务网站有更好的保障不是简单地发出一个新的密码,并把它发送到用户的电子邮件帐户?难道是,电子商务的卖家,在他们的收入较高的高峰,简单化的安全,以免阻碍买家?或者是它只是它不是自己的钱,是在风险吗?