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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 20:34:48
Mr. Bean catastrophe
A fully display British humorous a good film, British people familiar with TV star, comedy masters, who stars "four weddings and a funeral" and promoting 007 LuoWenYi undersecretary had starred in a smile of Mr Bean tails off. Originally awkward Mr Bean is a British museum exhibition halls of guards, he was as a royal art collection representatives sent to the USA for a painting of the region, he performed many others make people laugh farce. This film also irony in Britain and the United States of bureaucracy. The film in Europe when put in popularity, box-office prevails.
再问: 再长一些行吗
再答: 憨豆先生在伦敦的国家画廊当保安。当一幅名画被洛杉矶一家博物馆买走后,他被当作“专家”押送名画。美国的博物馆馆长把他请到府上,憨豆不仅毁坏了名画,而且还破坏了他人的家庭,但他也歪打正着做了一些好事。 Mr. Bean in London's national gallery as a security guard. As a famous painting by one Los Angeles museum buy left, he was regarded as a "experts" 2007/05/21-benchmark-ford-escort-concept famous paintings. American museum and curator put him to please note, bean not only damaged paintings, but also destroyed others family, but he also score a lucky hit do a few good things.