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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 06:48:54
Book 5 Module 1 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 AACBD 6-10 CADBB
11-15 BACDB 16-20 ACDBA
21-25 CDBAD 26-30 CBADC
31-35 ABCBD 36-40 CABCA
41-45 DADDC 46-50 CACBC
51-55 GCDFE
56. She was taking care of his sister.
57. Near a friend’s home.
58. One hour later after their son disappeared./At 8:30 p.m.
59. To keep him safe and warm.
60. Because Carsonwanted to go where he was.
61. ... had mobile phones ... had → have
62. ... on their own. on → of
63. They think them ... them → it
64. ... ever since it's ... 去掉ever
65. ... some often takes ... takes → take
66. ... a suddenly ring. suddenly → sudden
67. What's bad ... bad → worse
68. ... wasted much of their time. wasted → wasting
69. Our classroom is what ... what → where
70. ... allowed to brought ... brought前加be
One possible version:
Good morning, everyone!
Nice to meet you! I'm very honored to give you this speech on my mother language — Chinese.
Chinese is one of the major languages in the world, and it is spoken by the largest number of people in the world. With the development ofChina's economy, more and more foreigners are fond of learning Chinese, so that they will get more opportunities to trade and communicate with Chinese conveniently. If you expect to learn Chinese, you should try to listen and speak Chinese more. The more you practice, the greater progress you'll make in learning Chinese.
Thank you!
1. A.题意:我们想听听你对我们刚才读的文章的评论(remark).tone 音调,语气;record记录,记载;accent口音.
2. A.be similar to ... 意为“与∙∙∙∙∙∙相似”;refer to ... as ... 意为“称∙∙∙∙∙∙为∙∙∙∙∙∙”.
3. C.题意:多亏(Thanks to)那位明星的捐赠,我们学校才能重建实验室.Except for 除了;according to 根据;in addition to 除……之外.
4. B.in favour of 和make a difference 均为固定短语.
5. D.Mary 与make 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且make 表示的动作与主句谓语所表示的动作同时发生,故此处用动词-ing形式作状语,表示意料之中的结果.
6. C.题意:他从未正式学过日文,他所懂的一些日文是他居住在日本时顺便学来(picked up)的.take up 拿起,开始从事;turn up 出现;make up 编造.
7. A.think 表示的动作发生在过去的动作made之前,是“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时.
8. D.下句的后一句句意:别灰心,毕竟(After all)这工作对我们来说是新的.above all 首先;in all 总共;at all 根本,完全.
9. B.“我们更了解彼此”与“我们相处得很好”之间是因果关系,故选Now that(由于).
10. B.表示同意对方的提议用That’s a good point (这是个好主意).
11. B.12. A.由下文交通协管员的故事可知,“我”对微笑有了“新的(new)”看法—— 微笑可以“改变(change)”“我”和“我”周围的人们.
13. C.由下文的The more I drove 可知,“我”成了“我”儿子学校里的一名“司机(driver)”.14. D.由下文的long lines of heavy traffic可知,司机们会对此“抱怨(complain)”.
15. B.16. A.由上文的a new crossing guard 可知,此人“管制着(controls)”交通以便车辆能够“快速(quickly)”安全地进出校区.
17. C.由上文的a new crossing guard 可知,这位交通协管员没有太多“经验(experience)”.
18. D.由上文的The guard ... seemed unsure when he made a decision 可知,这位协管员在指挥交通时犹豫不定,所以经常“造成(caused)”交通堵塞.
19. B.由上文的long lines of heavy traffic可知,司机们感到“不耐烦(impatient)”了.
20. A .由上文的Most days he looked worried 和下文的He smiled back at me可知,“我”想做点什么让这位协管员“感到放松(relaxed)”.
21. C.“我”有“能力(power)”做一些改变.
22. D.这位交通协管员给了“我”一个“手势(sign)”,让“我”驶入学校.
23. B.由下文的as I continued my turn 可知,这里是说“我”在“转弯(turn)”之前.
24. A.由上文的Most days he looked worried 和下文的He smiled back at me可知,他的脸色变得“柔和(softened)”了.
25. D.“我”通过微笑使这位协管员的心态发生了改变.make a difference 意为“产生影响”,符合句意.
26. C.这里前后句为转折关系,故填even though.
27. B.我们经常相互微笑,所以“我”知道他能“认出(recognizes)”“我”来.
28. A.由下文的I can't imagine how I lived without such a smile 可知,现在“我”“总是(always)”会对周围的人微笑.
29. D.由上文的I ... smile toward people around me 可知,这里是说那些“收到(received)”微笑的人们.
30. C.由上文内容可知,微笑使“我”的生活更加“美好(brighter)”、快乐.
本文是应用文.文章通过对the Book Nook 的介绍,旨在让更多的人在其开业之日来参观了解该书店.
31. A.细节理解题.由第一段中的the opening of ... bookstore 以及Located at2289 Main Street, ... schools and many homes and businesses 可知,the Book Nook是一家地理位置十分优越的书店,故选A项.
32. B.推理判断题.由Reading Nooks 一节中的We are proud of our children's reading area on the first floor 和Settle in one of these inviting reading areas 可以推知,nook 在此是指reading area,故B 项说法正确.
33. C.细节理解题.由The Book-of-the- -Month Club 一节中的The membership fee is only $10.00 per month 可知,作为会员需要每年支付120 美元,故选C项.
34. B.写作目的题.由文章首段中的 Come and check out the Book Nook on Saturday 和末段中的So please join us on Saturday 可知,本文旨在让更多的人来参观这家书店,故选B项.
35. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的the web was at first created to improve communication between thousands of scientists in Switzerland 和第二段中的 Since CERN was a huge organization ... communication between them was becoming increasingly difficult 可知,万维网最初的宗旨是为了便于CERN 的科研人员相互交流联系,故选D项.
36.C.推理判断题.由第三段中的Berners-Lee's boss said that it sounded exciting but impossible 可知,Berners-Lee 的老板对他的研究报告没有信心,故选C项.
37. A.推理判断题.由第四段中的Even though there were many difficulties and few supporters, Berners-Lee went on to develop the World Wide Web 可知, Berners-Lee 在遇到困难时不会轻易放弃,故选A项.
38. B.标题归纳题.由文章首段中的This year, the World Wide Web has turned 25 years old以及作者通过本文对万维网历 史的回顾可知,B项为最佳答案.
39. C .写作目的题.由第一段中的The Oxford English Dictionary has just named its Word of the Year 和第二段中 的the English language has developed more rapidly in the last few centuries, adding many words to its vocabulary 可知,作者通过介绍这几个新词,旨在说明英语这门语言发展得很快,故选C 项.
40. A.段落大意题.作者在文章倒数第二段中通过举例向我们展示了GIF 究竟是什么,故选A项.
41. D.细节理解题.由最后一段中的While it is more usually pronounced with a hard g (like [ɡ] in“great”), ... the use of a soft g (like [dʒ] in“general”) 可知,当 字母g 在单词中发[dʒ]的音时,这表示 它是软音,故选D项.
42. A.推理判断题.作者在文章首段中指 出获得《牛津英语词典》年度冠军的两个单词:美国版本的GIF 和英国版本的 omnishambles,随后在文中介绍了GIF 的相关情况,所以接下来很有可能继续 介绍omnishambles一词,故选A项.
43. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的Career advisors often use these results to show people the jobs 和最后一段中的That information can be useful if you're a career advisor trying to help someone find the right job可知,D项说法正确.
44. D.推理判断题.由最后一段中的We live in a culture where people seem willing to spend endless amounts of time and money to find themselves 可知,D项说法正确.
45. C.细节理解题.由文章第一段的The Myers-Briggs Test offers 94 questions designed to divide people into different groups according to 16 personality types 以及最后一段的We live in a culture where people seem willing to spend endless amounts of time and money to find themselves ...可知C项正确.
46. C.主旨大意题.作者在文中主要讨论了人们对于迈尔斯-布里格斯测试的不同看法,故选C项.
47. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的 anyone caught buying cigarettes for a child could be given a fine of 50-2,500 pounds 可知,A项说法正确.
48. C.词义猜测题.由第五段中的 that could be extremely damaging to young people's health 可知,toxic 在此 指“有毒的”,故选C项.
49. B.推理判断题.由第三段中的 Some 41% of 15-year-olds who smoke say they usually buy their cigarettes from someone else, rather than from a shop 可知,那些吸烟的青少年是通过其 它途径买来的香烟,所以Deborah Arnott 的话旨在规范香烟销售渠道,以防孩子们轻易就能买到香烟,故选B项.
50. C.推理判断题.由第一段中的 Under-18s in England will not be allowed to buy electronic cigarettes, the government has announced 和最后一段中的New rules have recently been drawn up for discussion in Scotland and Wales 可知,英国正在出台有关电子烟的使用法规,故选C项.
1. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的They want to go out in the world, they want to make friends, but they can't 可知,蛰居族想走出去,想交朋友,但是他们做不到.由此可知,蛰居族过着与世隔绝的生活,故选 D项.
2. B.细节理解题.由第四段中的They lose ... the possibility of leaving home 可 知,B项说法正确.
3. D.推理判断题.由第五段中的the conveyor belt of good school grades leading to good university places leading to jobs-for-life broke down可知,Furlong 认为越来越多的日本青年选择蛰居是因 为他们找不到稳定的好工作,故选D项.
4. C.推理判断题.由倒数第二段中的Neets, freeters and hikikomori are often used to describe the good-for-nothing young people 可知,这三个词经常用来指那些一无是处的年轻人,而这样的人是不被社会所接受的,故选C项.
5. A.推理判断题.由最后一段中的what matters most is how to get those who hide away to return to society 和Tamaki Saito's approach 可知,作者接下来很可 能讨论如何帮助蛰居青年走出困境,故选A项.