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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 18:39:15
2.简爱的个人奋斗历程就是超我与本我交替作用和外在客观环境共同把自我推向成熟的过程.当罗切斯特希望简爱婚后成为一个富有同情心、骄小玲珑、光彩照人、善于处理家庭事务的行家里手; 一个为了他而牺牲自我,处处为他人着想,没有人格尊严与独立典型的家里的天使时,简爱坚持说:“我不是天使,我就是我自己!”这是女性自我意识的体现,是本我在超我的压制下,通过自我发出的强烈的、激进的反抗之声.只有具有强烈的自我意识的人,才会意识到人与人之间是平等的,妇女不再是男性中心社会一个可怜的玩物,更不是盲目自得其乐的家庭附庸—“家里的天使.” 而当罗切斯特戏称要与英格拉姆小姐成婚时,简爱对罗发出的“爱情宣言”更是给人以震撼
1 I comfort requirements,sir,not by countless grace to know how good.I will continue as Adele's tutor,I want this to earn my accommodation.You give me,nothing except you.2 Jane's personal journey is over me and the objective function and I alternate environment of the ego to mature process.When rochester hopes to become a compassionate married Jane,arrogant and small and exquisite,radiant,dealing with the family business expert,For he sacrificed a self,everywhere,not for others and dignity and independent typical home when the angels,Jane insists:"I am not an angel,I am my own!" the female self-awareness,is this I in me,out of the self,the resistance of radical.Only has the strong consciousness of the people,will realize equality between men and women is no longer a poor plaything center,more not blind to enjoy family -- "home of vassal angel." But when rochester called to miss Ingram married,Jane for a "declaration of love" gives a person with shock